Chapter 25: Possession

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|Your Point of View|

The sound of clashing swords filled me with a mixed feeling of fear, nervousness, anger and frustration. I kept on attacking this monster several times, forcing my strength to defeat him. Yet he was still as powerful as a god. I didn't know who this person was, but I could sense that he was dangerous— dangerous enough to slaughter countless innocent people. When we got up close with our swords clashing against each other, I looked into his eyes and saw great evilness and revenge that burned inside. My last blow was that, and I felt no strength anymore. Sephiroth pushed me back to ground and I sat there helplessly as I watched him walk towards me. I felt the tip of his sword touch my neck, and I could imagine myself having my last breath as he cried out in shameful victory. No matter how much I gave my best to fight, I felt no power. This was terribly wrong.

"I've told you before," Sephiroth beamed his eyes at me, "you can't defeat a powerful man— no, a powerful god like me!" He laughed and held his forehead, shaking his head. "My oh my, Mother. You should be proud of me! This is the day we've been waiting for. I will awaken him!"

Who was he talking to? It was absolutely clear that he wasn't talking to me. I watched him laugh by himself. "Mother! Mother! Tonight will serve as the victory that is bestowed upon us!" He raised his sword and didn't even think about me, which meant the blade slid up my neck and now blood trickled out of my skin. I sat there helplessly as Sephiroth glowed, until his eyes burned brightly. Those once cat green eyes turned into empty, dark ones.

I thought it was only my imagination that the cell exploded and bursted into flames, but no. I could feel the temperature rising that almost burned my skin. I concentrated.

I call to you, Oh Dear Glacian. The words floated in my mind. At first nothing happened. But when I opened my eyes, the heat that burned my hot skin faded. My hands produced tiny, snowflakes that contrasted and casted out the heat around. Soon there was a circle of frost surrounding me that kept me away from the flames. I was disturbed by Sephiroth's laughter. His long, silvery white hair burned brightly. The blade of his sword gleamed and shone brightly within the flames.

"It's amusing to see that you still have at least a few powers to fight me," he said with a grin. "How pitiful!"

"I am not pitiful, you stupid scoundrel!" I spat, drawing my dagger.

Sephiroth's eyes gleamed. "Calling me a scoundrel," he lowered his voice, "is not a pleasure to my ears!" That was my mistake. The dagger I dodged to his blow disintegrated; I had no idea why. Now I had no weapon in my hands. He instantly pointed his sword towards my bleeding neck. If only there were waters around here, I would've healed it. But since the wound was not that fatal, I could still handle it.

"It's a shame, young girl," he said. "You could've obeyed me. You could've chosen to side with me and I could've shared to you the treasures I conquer in this world. You could've surrendered your life to me so I can spare your precious life. Nevertheless," he chuckled, lowering his sword, then digging its blade onto my collarbone. I gritted my teeth at the pain stinging my whole body. "Nevertheless you chose to fight back, even if it meant your death!"

I closed my eyes. If this was what's laid before me, then I'd accept it. I tried. I did everything I could to fight, but it seemed as if my energy was draining. My powers have drained. Now this was what I thought— the meaning of being useless.

"You could've been very useful," he stroked his fingers on my cheek, and I felt anger rising up inside me. "Unfortunately, our ideals clash against each other. Why do you people always side with the good? You people always see good as the right one, whereas evil as the wrong choice. What is with these ideals? Established and is a permanent law in your stupid minds?" He laughed.

"You don't know what's the difference between good and evil. That's why you've broken your path and is lost in the way. That's why you're doing this. You don't know what good and evil means. You only do this for fun, don't you?" That's it. If I had no weapon, I'd get to lure him into the talking so I could think of a plan to escape. I had to find Noctis.

Sephiroth snorted. "That's disgusting. You're saying I do not know what good and evil means? You're being futile, young lady." He seemed to put away the blade touching my chest a little.

"What I'm saying is, why not know what good and evil means? You don't know what might happen if you do something you're not really aware of what it is." I told him firmly. I wasn't certain if I made him confused or convinced, but I had to be careful in choosing the words I would tell him. I would've gone dead.

"If you could say so," he said, "then show me what power means. Power is good? Evil?" He tilted his head.

"Power can either be good or evil. It only depends on how you use it. If you think that power will cast away the problems you have and if you think it is for the sake of everyone's safety, then it is good. If you think that power will make yourself more powerful and strong that you think you are the strongest—" Mistake number two.

"Then what?"

I gulped. If I told him it was evil, I'd be dead.

"I sense you're telling me it's evil!" Sephiroth, unexpectedly, laughed. "Evil! Evil!" He emphasized the word 'evil' and I had no idea why he was amused instead of furious. He kept on laughing and laughing, and I was shocked that his footwear and all his clothing had no sign of burnt marks. Until he stopped and stared at me. "If that's the case, show me your power."

"I've showed you," I summoned frost that formed on my hands.

"No," his eyes went blacker and emptier. "Show me that you can summon fire. Show me!"


"I am warning you right now," Bahamut told me. "If you summon a teeny tiny amount of fire, I'm sure Ifrit will come back. The Betrayer has already awaken."

"No." I said.

"No? No??" Sephiroth's eyebrows raised. He made a blank expression, then said, "Well then! I guess it's time for me to do what's supposed to be done earlier!"

I was confused. It was too late. Sephiroth lowered his sword and sent me an evil grin. Before I knew it, I felt dizzy. My senses started to get dull, and my body felt so light. Until I passed out and felt heat crawl onto my skin once more. My sight started to blur but I saw Sephiroth standing above, his dark silhouette looking down at me and the bright, burning and flickering flames making him disappear before I knew I passed out.

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