Chapter 19: The Ring

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|Third Person's Point of View|

He ran, not thinking of anything besides you and Noctis. He knew it will happen, but right before the crisis has started, he wasn't sure of it. Cloud would've been grateful if it weren't for Noctis, apparently. Since he really doesn't like seeing the Prince. Yet the love of his life was also in danger— you.

The guy ran as fast as he could, passing through the crowd which could've caused a big distraction. He sensed few Glaives attempting to chase him, but maybe they only thought that Strife was running for his life before he could wet his pants.

Cloud then barged into the dark hallways, dim lights lining up towards an enormous bronze double door. Without hesitation, he took all of his strength to break open the locked door. Finally he made his way into the King's room. Sweat rolled down his neck, seeing the beloved King lying on the wall, wounded. Blood was trickling out of his badly injured left extremity.

"Your Majesty!" Cloud rapidly caught him before he would drop completely against the marble floor. "Where's the Prince?! I... I thought they..."

"They did, young man. It was then the happiest moment, but everything had turned upside down. It was entirely a setup, yes. I came back from slumber, but my son and my dearest Healer were abducted by Niflheim soldiers right after a short reunion," Regis grabbed Cloud's arm. "Call my Glaives, they know what to do."

"But I cannot leave you here Your Majesty!"

"I can take care of myself," the King inhaled deeply. "I would like to thank you for saving my life, young man. May I know your name?"

"Cloud," the blond answered firmly, standing up right after.

"Cloud, I am giving you my permission to lead the Glaives. Here, take this with you— and if you saved my son, make sure he wears it. It will save the world of Eos. It will save our lives. Please, Cloud. I'm counting on you."

Without a word Cloud nodded but was astonished of what the king gave him. It was a silver ring, a gemstone embedded within the middle of it. He quickly shifted from the room down to the hallway. Along the way he met Nyx, who stopped him. "We're now in serious trouble, sir," he uncomfortable told the glaive by addressing him with 'sir'.

Seconds passed and some other guards gathered behind him. It was dark, yet Cloud's Mako eyes glowed within. "(Y/N)— I mean the Healer, has successfully awoken the King. Nevertheless there was a setup. King Regis has a minor injury, and the Prince and the Healer are kidnapped."

Surprisingly, none of them displayed any reaction, except for Nyx.

"The King, where is he?" He asked in a hurry. Cloud told him where, until Nyx said, "I'll entrust you to lead the army. Do what is best to save Prince Noctis and the Healer."

"I won't let you down," Cloud nodded. 

They never let a single second get wasted. Tifa and Vincent immediately joined up with the team, along with the other survivors of the game. The rest of the Lucian soldiers stayed in the airship, while Cloud and the Kingsglaive remained in a separate plane.

"I'm glad you're alright Cloud," Vincent told him. Cloud looked away, feeling a little guilty because he wasn't there to save you. He only found out but then it was too late. "Don't feel guilty. You can save her."

"She's the bravest girl I ever met," Tifa smiled.

"You, too," Cloud gave her back a smile, which made Tifa blush for a second. He then stood up and headed to the front, meeting up with Nyx.

Tifa closed her eyes, sighing. Don't get fooled, she thought. He only sees me as his friend.

"You can't just stay in the corner mumbling how hurt you are, Lockhart," Vincent whispered to her. "Being straightforward helps, in the best way."

"It doesn't matter," she smiled weakly. "We must think of how we're going to defeat the Imperial Army and save (Y/N) and the Prince."

"You sure they're dwelling at the center of Niflheim?" Cloud asked Nyx, who certainly nodded. "How's the King?"

Nyx turned the controller down to the right. "His Majesty is recovering from a cursed wound. Thankfully there's Ignis to remove the curse."

"Do you have any idea who did it?"

"Ardyn, or probably Ravus."


Nyx looked at him with a stern face, "Another official of the Imperial Army. Older brother of Lady Lunafreya Nox Fleuret."

"Or maybe..." Cloud held himself back.

"Maybe who?"

"Nothing. Keep driving."

I hope... I just hope all of this has nothing to do with Sephiroth. But I really have a bad feeling he has something to do with it, too. Cloud thought miserably. However I should be thankful he told me everything, and now I'm here, trying to save Noctis and (Y/N).

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