Chapter 30: The Astral Realm

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|Third Person's Point of View|

The ground shook, sending all of you to the ground.

    The Kingsglaive arrived just in time and were astounded of the sight laid before them. The Betrayer had awaken, the giant standing before them. The fallen god roared and bursted into flames, his wrath sending fear over you. Bahamut had warned you and you did what you can to avoid summoning fire, yet you couldn't do anything that time. You felt so helpless. Sephiroth and Jenova— although they were dead— their plans remained and now they had succeeded to bring Ifrit back, not in the Astral realm but in Eos to ruin every living and non-living thing existing here. You gritted your teeth, tears filling your eyes as you tightened the grip on your sword. This is all my fault, frustration and anger boiled inside you, this can't be happening. No one wants any of this. I have to end this. Right now.

    "Welcome back, Ifrit!" Ardyn retorted, making the giant growl in agreement. What you had feared suddenly came into reality. The god of fire darted his eyes on you. You stiffened, holding your breath.

    "You. You don't deserve to live," he spoke in Astral language which you only understood. No one understood him, but you did. A deep growl escaped his throat, making your knees jelly. It was all too late; he was now here. You couldn't just throw him back to where he should be.

    You clenched your fists. "No. You should die!"

    "Die I must say?" Ardyn butted in. "I'm sorry to hear that, but you can't defeat us now." He chuckled, gesturing for the giant to attack. He pointed his finger towards your direction. "Seize them."

    The ground shook again, causing you to lose your balance. You then managed to stand on your feet, turning to Noctis. Ifrit ran towards you. "Quick! You have to find Luna," he said. "We need to summon all the Astrals." He grabbed your shoulders and stared into your eyes. You glanced and saw all of them doing their best to fight Ifrit. Yet it was not enough to kill him. You gaped back to Noctis, his wide blue orbs telling you to sprint into action.

    "But Luna— she's not here in Niflheim. It's a long way to go back to Insomnia!" You protested.

    He sighed. "You can't go back by yourself. Then go with Nyx. He'll drive the plane to Lucis. I'll take care of this."

    Your eyes widened, grabbing his arms as well, "No! I-I can't leave you here Noct! I don't want to leave you again." There was pain stinging your heart. You didn't want to leave him anymore.

    "But you have to, (Y/N)," there was sadness in his eyes, you could tell. "We have to do this, for Eos' sake! We need Luna, and by that you two have to work together to summon the gods. I know, it could've been me and you, but you know the gods don't do me much a favor. You said before, back when we were kids," his eyes never left your (e/c) hues, "you used to tell me that you're a daughter of the Astrals. And I believe you, (Y/N). We've gone through a lot and I trust you more than I trust myself the way you trust me more than anyone. I'm sure the gods will listen to your calling. So please," he quickly gave you a kiss on the forehead that made your heart race, "GO!"

    He quickly let go of you and didn't hesitate to run into the giant, where Avalanche, the Kingsglaives fought back towards the giant. You turned around to look for Ardyn, drawing your sword but he was gone again. The guy was nowhere to be found. All you could see was the fires settled everywhere, smokes hurling skyward. A hand suddenly grabbed your left wrist that made you spin around and point your sword to his neck.

    "Nyx!" You startled and quickly retracted your sword away from his neck.

    "We must set forth immediately!" He pulled you and soon the two of you ran towards a small airship that was laid miles away. You turned around, seeing a giant rampantly stomping and rolling, bellowing in rage as arrows dug into his body. You quickly turned back and ran as fast as you could until both of you reached the airship. You dove into front.

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