Chapter 11: Oblivion

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"You know what they said? When most of it says everything is fine, it only becomes worse." The raven said, standing at the balcony that overlooks the Crown City. Cloud suppressed, trying to understand what Noctis said. Small amount of raindrops touched their skin. It was raining lightly.

"The fact we almost killed each other. I apologize," Cloud answered whilst dusting off his sword.

"It's just a misunderstanding Strife. I was out of control. I never expected the Healer is (Y/N). I forgive you."

"But, I don't understand. How come you two were friends since childhood?"

Noctis smiled, staring out to the endless sky. "She doesn't have a name. I just call her Healer, that's all. We spent time with each other, aside from Luna. She is my..." He paused.

"Your what?" Cloud leaned, even more eager to listen. He couldn't help but feel jealous. The prince had so many memories with her, yet it was all thrown away since she had amnesia that time. And then he and the rest of the gang decided to name her (Y/N). "Noctis, I'm sorry to ask this. But I can't wait for long now."

Noctis stared at him blankly. "I don't get you."

"(Y/N) is your first love... not Lunafreya, even if you two are soon to be wed."

The prince widened his eyes and quickly looked away, a slight shade of blush forming on his cheeks. He covered his mouth trying not to be flustered. "Shut it up. You're not helping," he put his hands down and walked out of the blue. "I'm going to see the game. You?"

"I'll stay here," Cloud replied. "T-tell Tifa I'm here."

"Sure." Noctis nodded slightly and warped in a short distance, telling Tifa Cloud's request and heading directly to the open arena. The big screens were flashed up with excitement as the crowd howled and cheered. It was a dangerous game, precisely.

"Ignis, I need to communicate through (Y/N)'s mind again," Noctis whispered to Ignis' ear.

"Will do Your Highness." He whispered back and ran to Prompto and Gladiolus as Noctis followed him.

Meanwhile, Tifa waited for Cloud to turn, not even saying a single thing. She was known to wait for Cloud to realize she was there behind him. The blond felt a strong presence, finding it easy who it was. "I'm glad you came," he said still not turning.

"I suppose you want to talk about something," she said softly. "You only call me when you need to talk about something."

He only looked down.

"I won't forget that, will I?"

Still silent.

"Cloud, I'm just curious who you really love, you know?"

"I don't love someone," he huffed. "I just... I just like someone. That's all."

"Then who is it?"

"Tifa... you're the only one I can trust. And I'm sure you won't tell anyone right?"

"I won't. I promise."

".... I've been over Aerith ever since she died. I kept blaming myself for it... but now I accept the truth that she's gone. But she'll always be in my heart now matter what. But now," he looked into Tifa's reddish brown eyes. "I think, I like (Y/N), yet I still feel like I shouldn't..."

Tifa felt a pang of jealousy hitting her over and over. She loved Cloud more than anyone else. They'd been together since childhood, yet she'd never seen any sign of Cloud liking her back. It was the truth. "Hey..." she said all of a sudden.


"Do you even think someone like me would be the one you can also notice?"

"Huh?" The puzzled guy stared back at her without any clue. Oblivion was all over him when it comes to Tifa Lockhart, the girl who loved him from the very start. And he didn't know that.

Tifa looked down and smiled weakly. "Well, I guess you really are that oblivious. Never mind. But don't worry, I'll still take care of you." Without a word, she walked away. And Cloud didn't even bother to stop her, because he didn't understand. All he knew was that he wouldn't see Tifa more than a friend, a childhood friend, a best friend.

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