Chapter 31: Arrow of Death

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"Dammit!" Noctis gritted his teeth after he stood on his feet, retracting his hands off the ground. He wielded another sword in his hand then spared a glance towards Cloud. Coincidentally, their eyes met and Noctis instantly felt adrenaline rush through his body. They both gave each other nods before charging towards the giant again.

    Ifrit wailed, throwing his arms to the side as he rampantly threw giant fireballs in various directions, causing the flames to spread throughout the open field and stretching like wildfire. His bellow echoed throughout the clearing. Arrows rained down on him but he quickly deflected countless fireballs towards it.

    "He's too strong," Cloud met up with Noctis after somersaulting away from the giant's hold. He breathed hard, as his eyes followed to another set of more than hundreds of weapons pouring down on him. He turned to Noctis, "Where's (Y/N)?"

    "Out to Insomnia," the prince panted, "she's with Luna to summon the Astrals."

    Cloud arched an eyebrow. "Astrals?"

    "The deities who have watched over this world since immemorial. And since that giant asshole wants nothing but chaos and destruction, he needs to be removed, even in anyone and anything's memories. The five other gods had defeated the Betrayer before, but not for long that they thought he would be gone forever. I can't accept the fact that Sephiroth and Jenova," he caught Cloud shift uncomfortably but he continued, "would secretly form alliance with Niflheim. It's too much." He shook his head, watching the others attack the giant deity. "That's why we need the Astrals so they could help us, yet (Y/N) and Luna are the only ones who can do them a favor."

    Cloud nodded. He swallowed, turning away from the battle zone. He stared off into the mountains and caught a glimpse of a light seeking out of the horizon. Dawn would soon come. He then looked back to Noctis. "We can't just stand here doing nothing."

    "For once I agree with you." Noctis gave him a short nod before they sprinted towards the battle again.

    It repeated for more than a hundred times; arrows raining down on Ifrit, swords, lances and axes digging into his rough skin as crimson liquid bursted out of the gashes. Yet he only screamed in anger and threw off flames in different directions, and they would only back off then attack once again. Still, although the giant would scream in pain, power and energy didn't drain in him. Vainly, it only made him more raged and stronger.

    "This won't work," Ignis ran to Noctis. Soon Gladio and Prompto followed, then after a while the rest of Avalanche teamed up. All of them turned their heads up to Ifrit, whose terrorizing eyes stared down at them. His brows were more than furrowed, and his eyes demanded for destruction. He cried in glory, bursting into flames whilst relentlessly throwing flames. They all stared in horror. The entire field was set on fire. The toxic scent of smoke entered their nostrils, allowing them to cough vainly as it intoxicated their lungs. Ifrit kept on stomping around as he threw off fireballs.

    "This is not happening!" Noctis' eyes grew wide. "We have to stop him."

    "But how can we stop him? He's too strong, Noct!" Prompto argued. "That guy is dangerous!"

    "More than dangerous," Ignis said. "Noctis, if (Y/N) and Lady Lunafreya did not succeed with their calling, we'll have to handle this. We can't just let that giant destroy the lands here."

    "But there's no way we can kill an immortal like him. Only the gods can kill him," Noctis said, taking a deep breath. He stared down at the blade of his sword. "They won't fail to call the Astrals. They're coming, soon enough before we know it!— "

A rumble of thunder was heard, making their heads shot up to the sky. Although the sun was about to rise, it was as if the storm had come to conquer the heavens and block the sun from arriving. The sky drastically turned to a shade of mixed deep blue grey. Lightning flashed across the sky and soon the flickering flames went wilder. Circled within the dark clouds hovering above bursted a bright light that almost blinded their awestruck eyes. They raised their arms to block the light from blinding their eyes. Five huge orbs of light emerged, then shot earthward. The ground shook once the five giant figures landed. The flames crackled, sparks being thrown in various directions. The light that had been sealing the figures' identity faded, and there stood the Astrals, each god representing a symbol.

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