Chapter 29: Merged Souls

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This is gonna be longer than I thought! Whew! Spent writing this for like, more than an hour? Jeez. I hope you like this guys, it's worth the reading, I assure you that ;) But, NO ONE's gonna die


*smirks evilly*

"Watch out!"

            Cloud raised his sword and sliced the chair into a piñata before it would hit against Noctis. Quickly turning around he sent him a glare, "You don't wanna mess up around, do you?"

            Noctis returned him a dangerous glare as well, tightening the grip on his sword, "But we cannot kill (Y/N). We need to get her into her own self the fastest way possible!" He ducked before a fireball would shot towards his head. Cloud ushered him to head to the other side of the cell.

            "We've got no time for this. This room is too small to handle her,"  Cloud panted. Both of them stayed alert as you formed a smirk, summoning another fireball in your hand. You slowly walked towards them with your rapier in your other hand. Cloud gulped while turning his head to Noctis who looked down on his wound. "You should've been dead right now. But how did the blood stop flowing out?"

            "Honestly, I goddamn don't know. Everything's a shit that's shitting the hell out of me," Noctis gritted his teeth, wiping the sweat remaining on his forehead. Cloud took a deep breath, glancing back at you. He never wanted this to happen. He thought it was now all over once he defeated Sephiroth, but then the end was just the beginning. You were possessed and you didn't know of it. All you had inside you was a deep desire for killing. Agony filled the blond so much, that he wanted to rip the spirit that had possessed you, but there was nothing he could do. He had to avoid himself getting killed by your relentless attacks, yet he also couldn't hurt you. He stared into your eyes; they were red orbs that lacked any emotion. Only a lust for death.

            "(Y/N)," he stepped forward as his hands trembled, but he kept holding his sword, "please, talk to us!" He quickly dodged the blade you hit towards him. It was useless, and hopeless. But he knew he shouldn't just give up. There had to be a way. Your blades locked as Cloud maintained his pressure on your sword to keep you away from getting hurt, however he only ended up stumbling backwards then he was now on his feet, panting.

            "(Y/N)! Please hear us out! We're here! It's Noctis and Cloud," Noctis took the opportunity to walk towards you, but you only stared mindlessly at him while pointing your weapon towards his direction. There was a look of deep concern, worry and fear washing over his face, yet it didn't work on you. You only gave him an eerie grin before attacking him, warping towards him but he ducked when you swung your rapier to the left to cut off his head. Soon Noctis and Cloud ended up standing across each other from either side of the wall, while you stood in the middle of the room, beaming at them.

            "She's on a killing spree. There's no way we could take her out," Noctis shook his head. He could feel so much pain and anger. He didn't want any of this to happen. The way you recklessly attacked him and Cloud without knowing them hurt him so bad. "We need to control her. We'll have to figure things out."

            "But how?" Cloud said from afar, still drawing his sword to keep himself on guard. "My powers are vainly not the same level as hers. There has to be someone to keep her out of destructiveness. She might burn the entire the cell, eventually burning down the whole empire." He glanced towards Tifa, who made a sudden movement. He quickly ran up to her but before he would reach her, he ducked before a crystalline arrow passed above him. The arrow dug into the wall and soon vanished. He knelt down and helped Tifa up, "Tifa," he held her arms. There was an astounded look in the female's eyes, when she saw Noctis avoiding your attacks.

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