Chapter 17: Sephiroth

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"There was one SOLDIER named Sephiroth, who was better than the rest, but when he found out about the terrible experiments that made him, he began to hate Shinra. And then, over time, he began to hate everything."

A man in his black cape stood on the empty floor. Dim light was there above him, unfortunately revealing only his mischievous smile. Then, a deep growl rose in his throat, sending eerie noises around him.

Without a word, he immediately rose above the ground, raising his sword high. At this moment all beasts appeared out of the darkness. Howls and growls were everywhere. The man unleashed his power and blasted every beast that had got in his way— until there was no monster left.

"Very... very interesting." No wonder a scratchy voice entered into the scene. As he landed softly onto the ground, looking towards a red-haired middle aged guy. "Hm, you must be... Leonard?" He chuckled.

"I'm sorry to hear that," The man immediately pointed his sword to the guy's neck that made him surprised. He eventually broke out a laugh. "Leonard... What hectic name."

"Oh I'm sorry!" Ardyn said sarcastically. "It's not my fault you haven't introduced your name yet!"

"I have no plans to tell you Mr."

"Tell me, I thought you would see me as a lifetime man?"

"How hopeful you are," the man sneered. "The Prince of Lucis can destroy you anytime for your information."

Without any second Ardyn gritted his teeth.

"Aww, look at that!" The man lowered his sword and made a pitied face. "Did I make a fragile man offended?" He smiled towards Ardyn, who took off a wide grin.

"Do you think I am?" He chuckled, trying to control his temper. "The King is being poisoned in the meantime. Of course Noctis would stay as he'd like."

"The Game of Insomnia ended, and I want to know the news about (Y/N) (L/N)."

"(Y/N) (L/N)? That brat survived surprisingly. She is the Healer, unfortunately," Ardyn snickered. "No wonder she could summon the Astrals— including the Betrayer." He formed a mischievous smile.

The man chuckled. "I suppose the Prince had been communicating with some people for a long time. Am I right with that Ardyn?"

Ardyn stopped, not knowing what he asked. He was surprised when he heard the mention of 'some people' which Noctis had been communicating with. "I have no idea what you are saying."

The man turned his head towards the ground. A deep laugh soon rose from his throat.

Without a moment's pause, the magiteks aimed their guns towards him, not letting any single attack from him head towards Ardyn.

"It's been a long time, since I died in the world of Gaia..." He slowly reached for his hood. "And now... I am here in this world where I can seek vengeance to the one and only... Cloud Strife."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Ardyn rolled his eyes. He raised his right arm towards the magiteks, telling them to lower the guns. As expected, they followed him.

"Tell me Ardyn, will you be afraid of me if I reveal myself to you?"

Ardyn stopped and stared confusingly at him. "And why would I be frightened of you? You're just a typical man with powers who kills a lot of living in this world!"

"You're very, very wrong." The man laughed, eventually pulling down his hood. Ardyn stared wide eyed at him. The man lifted his head, with green cat eyes filled with evilness. "Oh, mother, what have I done to myself? I promised I will wait for long. But why am I so impatient? I am sorry mother." His eyes closed.

"Who are you, tell me!" Ardyn demanded.

"Do you really want to know my name?" He asked. "Mother, please let them live for now."

"You're being insane." Ardyn trembled a little.

The man slowly opened his eyes. And then, all the magiteks exploded, making the red haired guy shocked in anger. He quickly summoned his weapon, aiming it towards a man he didn't know well. A man who just killed every magitek the Imperial Army had created.

"SIR!" A blond guy immediately entered he arched doorway, summoning his sword.

"Aw, wanna try me?" The man laughed. Before the blond could even attack, he was absurdly stopped. There he stood frozen on the ground. Ardyn stared at him, helpless. "Damn it Ardyn! I told you not to trust that idiot," Ravus gritted his teeth.

"What did you say?" The man asked, pointing his sword to Ravus. Its tip almost touched his neck, which made him frightened.

"Please stop. We're trying not to make a fight in here," Ardyn told him. "I am begging you, let us shall have peace!"

"Then you'll have to follow me, and we will destroy them." He grinned, putting his sword away from Ravus. "I am, the most high and most respected of all living!" He raised his hands high towards the heavens. A lightning immediately shook and hit the floor, causing a lot of damage. "I am...


(A/N The chapter is written shortly on purpose. I hope you appreciate it cause to be honest I struggled writing this one 😂)

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