Chapter 3: Time Has Come

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|Third Person's Point of View|

The dinner went on with silence. Everyone didn't talk or at least make a noise. For the first time in your life, you felt something was wrong and you felt like you were having quite a bad taste with food, so you swallowed and stood up slowly but before you did you gulped down a glass of water. You were about to head to the kitchen when Tifa said, "Aren't you gonna eat for dessert?" Her voice was soft yet it was clear that you heard it. You looked over your shoulder and shook your head slightly, then walked off into the kitchen then to the opened back door. You went straight to the garden where your sword was left lying by the broken dummy.

The sun was now touching the horizon. The shadows crawled out and casted over almost everything. The wind was still cold, sending chills to your body as you bent down and picked up your sword. Your (e/c) eyes scanned through it as the blade shone completely, making you filled with determination. You took a deep breath. The very first conversation you had with him didn't go out of your mind, instead it kept on popping up although you wanted not think of it. His voice was truly angelic, despite of his cold personality. You wondered, did he ever smile once? You knew he would never at least smile to you, so maybe, you thought, if he did smile once. . . to whom would he smile?

You mentally slapped yourself. No, he wouldn't even at least try. That pokerface he always had on him made you realize that he would never treat you the same way he did to the kids. Well of course, Denzel and Marlene were kids.

I'm probably two years younger than him, so that doesn't mean he'll go easy on me, too. I guess. . . I'll just have to do this until the end, you thought, sighing shaking your head. You swung your sword back and forth as you stood before the dummy. Its arms were broken and they swayed from left to right and vice versa, giving you an uneasy feeling. Its eyes were completely gone, only to reveal two black holes and you thought a tiny spider crawled out of one of its holes.

"Don't tell me you'll tire yourself again with that," a deep, angelic voice spoke out of nowhere which had you turned around so quickly and drawn your sword. You widened your eyes and lowered it and shifted uncomfortably.

What was he doing here? You thought. You glanced away from him and huffed, ". . . Why do you come here? Do you need something?"

You heard him chuckle deeply but he didn't smile, "There's nothing I need," he said, walking towards you that made you step back a little. "I think you'd better rest. Nightfall will soon come."

"No thanks," you immediately said. Heat rose up your cheeks but you managed to hide it. Out of the corner of your eye, he was slightly kicking some stones on the ground. He was looking down, so you couldn't see his face completely. "W-Why are you here?" You kept your voice a monotone. He wasn't here to mess with me was he? You thought.

Cloud looked at you, and something felt different. You didn't know what it was until he said, "Be ready for tomorrow dawn." And he left quickly. He darted into the back door and was nowhere to be seen. You stood there, confused. For tomorrow dawn? What did he mean by that? You didn't understand.

You only sighed and shook your head. Your heart thumped every time you thought about him. You felt nervous, and you always hesitated what to say to him. Surely enough you were just imagining things, so you thought it was just normal to be nervous when he was around. You knew he shouldn't be the one you would develop romantic feelings for. And it was very clear to you that he wasn't really interested with you.

You hadn't realized the sky turned darker. The sun disappeared and now you could see a white circle hovering above the night sky. You felt droplets of water touch your skin, and without letting a second pass, the rain dropped lightly. You closed your eyes and sighed, heading back into the kitchen as you held tight of your sword.

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