Chapter 20: Abducted

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This is a flashback of what happened after you revived King Regis

|Your Point of View|

His voice kept calling on my name. It took a while before I was fully awake. I thought I did not succeed with the spell, but it miraculously worked out. I saw the king sitting on the bed, with his hand set on Noctis' hands. I glanced upon Noctis. He was probably amazed of what just happened.

"I... I didn't know it would happen," I stuttered, also amazed that I just brought back King Regis from his deep slumber.

"(Y/N)," Noctis sets his hand on my shoulder. "Thank you. I. . . I don't know what to say. . ."

The truth was there. I also didn't know how to respond, but the words eventually went out of my mouth, "Your welcome."

"Thank you, dearest Healer. I owe you my entire life," King Regis sets his hand on my shoulder. "I am glad that you came back after many years."

I managed a smile, glancing upon Noctis. "Your Highness, you should be thanking your son for all of this. He's the one who re-opened the Game of Insomnia."

The King widened his eyes. He stared at Noctis. In his eyes, I could see that he was overwhelmed, instead of being angry towards him. "Noctis, my son. . . Did you. . .is it true?—"

"Yes, father," Noctis looked down. Yet he was determined.

"Well," King Regis grinned. "Then, I guess you really are determined and ready to take the throne."

Noctis grimaced. "But father. . ."

"Son, do not think about what will happen in the future. Yes, there might be someone who will. . . " The king trailed off, but he took a deep breath. "I want you to live the life you want. But taking the responsibilities of a King— you should."

"You don't understand." Noctis said.

"Noctis, I am too weak to rule the kingdom. My powers are starting to weaken, too. If there is one who will take the throne, it is certainly you. You want peace, don't you?"

Noctis swallowed. "Yes."

"Then do what is right. I am counting on you, okay?"

"Right. Father, please. . ." Taking his father's hand, he whispered. "Please don't die. You're all I have."

I cleared my throat. I realized I had been silent, watching them the whole time. "Don't worry Noctis," I said. He turned his eyes on me. They were electric blue, and I had no doubt he was lonely of what may come next. "I'm here with you, too. Cloud, Tifa, the rest of the people who'd been with you from the very start. We got your back."

He stared at me wide-eyed. For the first time, a tear rolled out of his eye. Then, a smile was there in his face.

It was a happy reunion at last.

I thought it will be, but we were wrong.

The huge door behind us exploded into ashes. Magiteks lined up, marching towards us with their guns loaded, ready to kill. Noctis and I stared in horror, seeing the familiar face we once saw before. That face. . . it reminded me of the painful days in Tenebrae.

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