Chapter 26: The Death of Ravus

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Despite how strong the opponent was, he knew he shouldn't give up.

The battle lasted for more than an hour. Noctis felt tired yet Ravus only laughed at him, recklessly striking blows to the prince and he didn't care if he would get some injuries as long as the prince would die. He wanted revenge. He wanted to take Noctis' life in exchange for what Noctis' father, King Regis had done to him— when Niflheim attacked the lands of Tenebrae and the King of Lucis had no choice but to leave an injured young Ravus for it would cost the life of he himself and his son.

Ravus clenched his jaw as he dodged a few strikes Noctis had given him. The sound of metals sent a ringing to Noctis' ears, yet it was better than the sound of flesh ripping apart. Noctis leaped back and sidestepped before the sword would reach his stomach. He immediately kneed the blond to his side, which sent Ravus down to the ground but he quickly stood up and growled.

Noctis had to stay still. His whole body ached. The fight continued and he had to avoid Ravus' reckless attacks.

"Why aren't you attacking me, o dear prince?" Ravus snickered, pulling away from their swords clashed together, then attacking once again. "You must be very tired."

Noctis dodged the older's strike and warped a few meters away from him. He had to think of a strategy to get this guy down. He breathed heavily as the sweat trickled down the side of his neck.

"You know what? Just give up. Give up and beg for mercy, and I can spare you. But I'll make you suffer still," Ravus formed a sly smile across his lips. "You already know that my heart seeks for vengeance, do you not?"

"Vengeance?" Noctis panted, drawing his sword. "I don't understand."

"It's rather simple. Your old weak father left us in Tenebrae with the Nifs attacking us. Isn't that a sign of deceit and mercilessness? Well, things cannot be changed. That futile king had done what was done, and in exchange for that," he charged towards the prince, "your life!" He raged and attacked as Noctis dodged, but the blood in Ravus boiled and rushed through his veins. He swung his sword to the right, the edge of the blade slicing through Noctis' thigh.

"Damn it," Noctis hissed, missing another blow from Ravus. He stepped back and glanced down at his thigh; the fabric was ripped apart and was now soaked in crimson blood. He glanced back up and avoided the older's attacks. "Why do you want to kill me? I know you hate me, and I know you don't like the idea of Luna and I getting married— "

"Enough of the talking." Ravus growled. There was deep anger and hatred in his eyes. Noctis realized, this was not the Ravus he once knew. The guy he used to be friends with when he was a kid, back in those days he visited Tenebrae. Without a word he charged again, but this time Noctis had thought of a strategy. The moment when Ravus raised his sword high, the raven teleported right behind him and did not have a second thought to stab his sword right into Ravus' back.

A groan of pain echoed throughout the vast room. The blade that went through his chest was dripped with blood. Soon Noctis pulled back the sword out of the body which sent it to fall down to the floor. The blood flowed out of Ravus' chest, his fingers fidgeting every time he tried to make a move, but he could not. He realized that he was paralyzed, and death would soon come and get him.

Noctis hesitated, but eventually knelt down beside Ravus, who was now choking out blood, "It was. . ." his voice went hoarse, "very honorable to fight with a son of Lucis."

"Don't speak, brother." Noctis told him and held Ravus' head so it wouldn't meet with the hard ground. He hadn't realized tears filling up in his eyes.

Ravus crackled a smile. "No need to cry on me, spoiled prince. I chose to do this and I am responsible of it. I must reap what I have sowed." Soon his sight started to blur, as the prince shook him gently to keep him conscious. "Also. . . tell that punk to be careful. She's actually a very strong woman, all grown up like you. Tell my dearest sister to. . . " his voice nearly trailed off, "t-take care."

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