Chapter 15: Meeting an Old Friend

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|Noctis' Point of View|

I strolled across the grassy field, the campfire was there burning bright. The Healer and I mesmerized the starry sky. I was so overwhelmed she's here.

"Don't get too far kids!" My mom shouted towards us. We were meters away from them.

"Okay!" I shouted back, then turning my head to the sky.

"Isn't the sky beautiful?" The Healer said. I glanced upon her. Strands of hair framed her beautiful face. As though she was a masterpiece. I wanted to watch her stare up to the sky. Her celestial eyes reflected those skies.

Without a moment's pause she glanced at me. I quickly looked away and blushed. Damn, I got caught, I thought.

"Were you staring at me?" She asked.

How could she be that straightforward? "No, I wasn't." I lied.

She laughed softly and ruffled my hair. "Don't worry, it's okay if you've got something in there," she pointed towards my chest, which was figuratively my heart. "As long as you'll fight for that person."

My eyes opened. (Y/N)... having a sweet dream of her, I want to continue it. So I went back to my sleep.

"Well..." I whispered. "Is it okay if I fight for you?"

"You saying something Noct?" She asked all of a sudden.

"N-nothing," I gave her a cheeky grin, hiding my blush.

"NOCTIS!" Gladio and Ignis shouted. I startled as I saw explosion beyond them.

"Come on," she grabbed my arm and ran towards them.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" I panicked. She didn't answer, pulling me across the field.

"YOUR HIGHNESS!" Ignis shoved me along with the Healer. My mom was shoved by Gladio, as we ran away from the explosion. Soon I could hear a monster's cry, becoming louder and louder.

"Quick! Get them secured," Gladio let go of my mom. He summoned Buster sword. "I'll fight the daemon. Ignis, you call the Glaives alright?"

"Will do," Ignis nodded.

But the Healer interrupted. "ARE YOU SERIOUS WITH THIS GLADIO?! That daemon is too strong! You have no defense against that!"

"I will fight, if not that beast will kill us all."

"Then it will kill you if you fight alone," she let go of Ignis' grip.

"What are you doing?" I asked her with panic and nervousness.

"I'll help him."

"No my child, you're too young for a dangerous battle!" My mom told her.

"RAAAAGH!" It soon got nearer. I was completely terrified.

"There are Nifs before that beast. You cannot fight alone Gladio," Ignis agreed. "I'll help instead."

"No, it'll be three of us," the Healer said. "Her Highness will take care of the Prince."

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