Chapter 18: Evil

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|Cloud's Point of View|

Before anyone could say a word, the doors opened wide, and there stood a few men, all in dark grey cloaks only showing half of their faces. I realized there was only one man who didn't wear a cloak. He wore a black hat, his reddish curly hair seemed off. "What a mess do we have here," he said slyly staring at Noctis then to me. I noticed that he was somehow interested at me.

"Who is that?" I whispered to Noctis.

He rolled his eyes. "Ardyn. An official of the Imperial Army."

"It's a wonderful night to see you Your Highness," Ardyn bowed and smirked mischievously. "How are you?"

"You again?" Noctis gritted his teeth, scowling and balling his fists. "Didn't I say you and your empire are not invited?"

Before he could even grab the Ardyn, Nyx, a Kingsglaive immediately warped towards our place and tried to stop him. "Calm down, Your Highness," he told him firmly and glanced at me. I gave him no reaction. "They are involved with the Game of Insomnia, so they should be invited."

"Who said?" Noctis asked sharply.

"You signed an agreement with Niflheim days before the game has started, Your Highness."

Noctis stopped and thought for a moment, clearing his throat and stepping back. He looked around. All were staring at us, creating snickers and noises. "Well," he swallowed. "I guess I didn't read the paper well."

Ardyn chuckled. I shivered a little, hearing a deep growl in his throat. "Too bad, for a Prince like you. Your father will be very, very disappointed."

"Like you really care, huh?" He said, irritated.

"You don't want all of them staring at us for the whole hour, do you?"


I turned my head to the right, seeing (Y/N) walking towards us. Before I could react and tell her to stay out of the almost-called hubbub, Ardyn stared at her and got interested. "Please forgive us," she suddenly bowed. I furrowed and wanted to tell her to snap out of it, however, I had no choice but to stay silent.

"Forgive you?" Ardyn maintained his eerie grin. "Well then, you are fully forgiven, young lady." And then he turned to the crowd, "Continue the party! This mess has probably disturbed you, nevertheless, you may now continue your own stuff."

Everybody did. Until I saw the prince clenching his fists. "What on earth was that?"

"Cloud," (Y/N) suddenly took my hand. My heart suddenly beat fast, quickly avoiding her looks at me. "Can we talk for a while?"

"Sure," I told her without any hesitation. We then headed towards one of the pillars, since they weren't any people staying there. It took a few minutes before I asked her, "What are you going to tell me?"

She swallowed, and right after she exhaled deeply. "I'm... I'm planning to accept the service of being a glaive."

My eyes stung. I remembered, she had the potential of becoming a glaive, she has the ability to almost do everything. I knew, it is what I should be proud of. Yet I don't know if this would make a long distance between us, right after the King of Lucis has awaken. "It's... it's your choice. Just... don't think this would ruin our relationship... alright?"

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