Chapter 14: Memories

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|Your Point of View|

It was a silent night. I lied myself on the mattress while staring at the ceiling. Will I stay with Cloud or settle here? The question was soon left hanging. I didn't want to answer that question. My eyes glanced towards the opened windows. I could hear the sounds of crickets, with the cool breeze making me a bit feverish.

I wanted to sleep, but it seemed like my mind was conquered by insomnias.

Slowly, I sat up and got myself out of the mattress. I glanced towards Lightning, Yeul and Noel. They were all fast asleep. Sighing, made myself towards the door with silent tiptoes. I carefully pulled it open, not wanting to create any noise or else they would've seen me going out of the room. And they would also think I was trying to escape.

With a sudden glimpse of guards, I immediately hid behind the palace walls, realizing there were Glaives wandering around. I made a sigh of relief. That was really close!

An idea went up in my mind. And so I warped in a long distance towards the upper floor.

With that surprise welcomed me. I saw an enormous door made of metal, alongside carved with crystals and gold.  Out of curiosity, I thought of teleporting inside. I could sense someone in there. And then, I finally found the courage to get in.

I closed my eyes first, not wanting to be frightened of a sudden sight. Slowly, I opened my eyes. My heart suddenly dropped, realizing...

There lay the King of Lucis— Regis Lucis Caelum.

The father of Noctis.

My guardian.

I noticed something was wrong. I felt, something that made the whole room dull... somehow the way he lied on his bed was unusual. His face... felt like a horrid nightmare. I knew, I could sense he was very weak. It seemed like something was killing him inside, slowly. Now that I realized he fell into deep slumber.

I stepped towards the bed, then I remembered.

    It was a bright day, blue skies hovering above us. The happiest days of my life happened there, within the countrysides that held the beaches. Waves crashed against the cliff, the sea water sprinkling on our faces.

Noctis and I faced the horizon. We sat on the grass. The sun hit our faces with warm sensation. Back in our nine year old days I could remember. His jet black hair swayed gently, with blue eyes staring with joy.

"Isn't it fun to hang out here at the edge of the cliff?" He smiled.

I gave him a warm smile in return.

"Now that I understand, you're originally a daughter of the Astrals. Right?" He looked at me with innocent eyes.

My heart felt a little heavy, seeing the fact that he's too young for this, and my thinking was more mature than his. He's just a little innocent boy, I thought. But despite all of this, I still want him to learn and to know who I really am.

"Astrals..." He muttered and looked down trying to think of something. "But... how come you're in human form?"

"I don't know," I lied. I knew I was a creation of the Astrals. My powers that represented each god were limited, but my healing powers weren't. And I also have the power to bring back someone back from the dead or back to life.

"Do you have powers?" He asked with sudden excitement, his eyes turning wide.

"Um... yeah I have–"

"Really!? Show me show me!" He grabbed my shoulders and shook them.

I tried to keep myself away from him. "Aye aye! Not today Noctis."

"But why? You know my powers too you know, and you said you can also warp in long distances? That's cool! Can you show me?"

"I said before, not today."

"So that means tomorrow?" He smiled with his teeth showing off.

I sighed and shook my head. Even though we had the same age, he was tragically hyper than me for some reason. So I only chuckled at him.

"Hey, so if I die, would you bring me back to life?"

I widened my eyes in surprise. He hadn't asked that question before. It was very odd. And only I replied to him, "It depends... on the situation."

"Prince Noctis! You kids come right here now, I've come up with a new recipe!" Ignis called out to us.

We soon came running towards Ignis, who was making weird sandwiches but tasted good.

"How about the delicious steak you made? Why won't you cook that?" Noctis complained.

"Bet the Prince is getting spoiled with your steak Iggy," Gladiolus butted in and made a low chuckle.

"The Prince will surely be spoiled, especially in his teenage days. But since I am also someone who disciplines a little spoiled child," he joked and handed a sandwich to Gladio. "Prince Noctis will grow up a responsible man, with the Healer by his side too." He smiled towards me.

By his side... growing up by Noctis' side. No. It's not happening. Nothing in my past had happened right now. I wasn't by Noctis' side. Because we got separated.

Now I'm here standing infront of the King, his father who also took care of me. I want to revive him... I knew Noctis was very anxious about his father.

With a deep breath, I knelt and closed my eyes, setting my hand on his forehead.

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