Chapter 7: Fire and Water

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"Dammit!" You cursed as you fell backwards to the ground, your spine almost cracking. The monsters growled, almost lunging at you as you tried to avoid their sharp teeth. Red eyes, sharp yellow teeth, their tails looked like a scorpion's that contained venom. Their hairy black fur smelt like the sour taste of acid, giving your stomach a churning feeling.

You looked for your sword. It was thrown somewhere right after a beast attacked. "You won't survive this, young lady!" The other beasts bellowed, their mouth waiting for its prey, its poisonous tail ready to sting you. You breathed hard, several wounds were now formed on your face.

"Not a chance," you told them sharply. A beast shrieked and ran towards you, raising its sharp claws, ready to rip you to pieces. You tried avoiding it, dodging and diving into the ground. You looked up and saw your sword a few walks away from you. It shone brightly, made of crystalline.

You gasped.

The venom was stung onto your back, liquid coming out of your mouth. "Crap..." You widened your eyes, turning your head around, seeing the beasts nearly opening their mouth to swallow you. You rolled over and tried to stand up. But your body seemed to fall.

The venom is spreading, you thought. I must get the sword before they eat me.

You glanced at the beasts, who were now growling at you. "At least a little time for me to run, huh?" You asked them. Now's the time to play around with these hags, you thought.

"We don't spare any human that has got into our way!!!" One of them shrieked. The leader. "Oh come on, just a little time then? Surely you'll win anyway," you said, making sure it won't attack you. It was hard, the venom spreading, the beasts impatient. You glanced at the sword, slowly stepping sidewards to get near to it.

"Don't listen to her, Master!" The others hissed, their red eyes gleaming at yours. This won't work, you thought, making a large leap towards the sword. The beasts shrieked, running towards you. Your hands finally reached the sword, touching it as you felt energy enter through your body, heat rising up, the venom decreasing inside your system. You drew your sword whilst your hand summoned fire.

The beasts almost stopped, but tried to wash away their fear.

Fire. It is what these monsters are afraid of. The voice spoke. Cut off their tails, they will die.

You breathed deeply and ran towards the beasts, raising your sword high. You jumped, slashing your sword against a tail of a beast under you. It screamed out of pain. It slowly cracked and then broke into pieces, like a fragile object.

You felt a beast attacking behind you. You turned around and quickly threw fire towards it. It stopped and leaped away. You thought of an idea. You summoned fire and set it around you. The flames appeared, roaring against the beasts, its heat almost frightening them. You looked for the leader.

Surprise welcomed you as the leader came flying above you, avoiding the ring of fire around you. It dived, making you step back and draw your sword. "You really think you would escape this!!!" It hissed. "Where do you come from?" You asked sharply, making the fires rise high, forming walls of fire. You noticed the shadows of the other beasts surrounding it, waiting for you to come out.

It shrieked, attacking you. You gasped, furrowing your eyebrows. You ducked and stabbed its side, and then pulled your sword quickly. The beast screamed in pain, causing itself to fall onto the ground. You summoned fire from your hands, and this time, a huge ball of fire.

Without a moment's pause you threw it to the beast before it could stand up. "AAGHHH!!!" It shrieked, the flames burning him. "YOU WILL NEVER SURVIVE! THEY WILL KILL YOU!!"

Slowly, it burnt into ashes. A sour scent filled the air, its foul smell entered your nostrils. You almost puked.

The shadows of the other beasts disappeared. Their noises, were gone. You made the wall of fire go down slowly, realizing the beasts were gone.

Once a master dies, his servants would surrender, or run away. The voice said. You realized it was true. You thought it was just a fallacy, but you were wrong. You panted, inserting your sword back into its sheath.

Why did you help me? You asked the voice.

Because of your dignity, (Y/N).

You cleared your throat. Thank you, you stuttered, not knowing what to say.

Go ahead, take some time to rest.

Um, where do you think am I?

You're still in the game. Don't think it's all over.

Where are the others?

They experienced the same thing. Some of them survived, while some didn't.

You gulped. Noel, Lightning, and the others. Did you ever think they survived?

You strolled across the dark field, looking up to the night sky. You stared at the horizon, seeing a lake from afar. You felt like it's calling you. So you ran, and then finally reached a large lake set before you, shadows casting over it. As you took a step, looking at the waters, you saw your wounded face. Slowly, you knelt and cupped your hands into the water, splashing it onto your face.

You closed your eyes. I never felt this way before... You opened your eyes and saw your own reflection.

The wounds disappeared. Your face healed.

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