Chapter 8: Meeting the Prince

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Cloud stared expressionlessly towards the garden. The sun was now setting, the dark almost coming up. He took a deep breath and sighed. What he did was just right. Of him casting himself in a dream to talk to you. But still, it made him feel anxious. He missed you. His confession—was all very vague to him.

"Cloud?" Tifa's voice spoke out behind him. Cloud placed his sword back to its sheath, turning around to face the dark haired lady. "Is something wrong, Tifa?" He asked in a husky voice.

Tifa took a sigh and squared her shoulders a little. "Cloud... Vincent told me..." Cloud raised his eyebrow, stepping forward. "He finally found connection towards Insomnia with the Crown Prince," she finished. Cloud widened his eyes, now that he was sure he would tell the truth to the prince.

"I think we should... visit Insomnia... I just couldn't be sure (Y/N)'s safe..." She whispered. Cloud looked deeply into her eyes, holding her arms, "I was thinking about it." For a while he looked down, and then turned back to the garden—which held the sculpture of Etro in the center. "Call Vincent," he said. "We'll head towards Insomnia at this minute. The summer solstice is nearly tomorrow. We must hurry to the Crown Prince."

Without a moment's pause, Tifa made a nod and headed back inside the mansion. A tall, long and dark haired man was waiting for her. She stopped, as if she felt Vincent heard their conversation a while ago.

"There's no need to tell, I heard everything," Vincent nodded. "Yuffie will be staying here with the others. They'll wait for the news about her."

Tifa widened her eyes, looking down. "I-I'll tell Cloud," she stuttered, sighing and going back to Cloud. Tifa gazed towards him as she saw the blond on his motorbike. Quickly, she averted. "Have you told him?' Cloud asked, fixing his bike and putting on his gloves. "Yeah. We better get going," Tifa answered. She turned her head around to see if Vincent was already out to the front door.

"Wait for me outside." Cloud started the engine. Tifa nodded and went inside then to the front door, where she saw Vincent right there waiting for the two. "Where's Cloud?" He asked. Tifa glanced at the gate and saw Cloud going out with his motorbike.

"Come on, it'll take a long journey to reach the world of Eos," Cloud made a nod towards them.


Cloud and the two stopped for a while, watching two Glaives guarding the backdoor. Little they know about the King who was fallen into a deep sleep— caused by an unknown. All the chance they had was to talk to the Crown Prince, but the thing was, nobody was allowed to get inside the palace.  "It's hard to get in," Vincent whispered. They took a small step closer as they hid behind the garden's bushes.

"How did we even get in here? I told you we should've got at the front. Not here," Cloud snapped. "No time for arguing," Tifa was about to stand up but Cloud grabbed her arm, pulling her down, "What on earth do you think you're doing?"

"I can manage to put those men down—"

"You're too certain that your fists can handle them," Cloud said. "But doing it so might be a conflict between Avalanche and Lucis—"

"Who's there?!" A Glaive shouted. Cloud stopped speaking, peeking through the bushes. The Glaive started walking towards the garden, seemingly hearing weird noises. "Something wrong?" Another Glaive asked, almost pulling out his sword. The Glaive scrunched his nose. "I sense something strange coming out from there."

"What do we do?" Vincent whispered. Cloud furrowed his eyebrows. Without a word he stood up, pulling out the sword at his back and pointing it towards the Glaives, who were now pulling out their swords as they took a stern stare. "Put your weapon down, young man," the Glaive told Cloud. The blond stared back at the Glaives, not planning to surrender.

"I said. Put your weapon down!" the Glaive repeated, stepping forward. "Before I lose my temper!"—

"What's going on?!"

Cloud looked over the Glaives. Tifa and Vincent went out of their hiding spot, seemingly surprised of who was standing before them.

The Crown Prince of Lucis— Noctis Lucis Caelum.

"Put your swords down," the raven declared. The Glaives put their swords down, slowly walking back into the palace. Cloud pursed his lips. "Your guards are merely aggressive towards people," he placed his sword back in its sheath. "Not all of them," Noctis said, walking towards him. He made a sideway a smile. "You came. We meet again, Cloud."

He looked over the guy's shoulder, seeing a dark haired girl and a man with long dark hair. "I must say they're your friends?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Yes, we are his friends." Tifa said, taking a step forward, but Cloud blocked her with his arm, glancing his eyes towards her. "Stay back," he whispered. Tifa stared back at him, confused of why he was doing that.

Cloud looked back at Noctis and put his arm down. "Noctis, it's better to ask rather than feel anxious about her."

The prince raised his eyebrows, giving him a confused look. "Her?"

"(Y/N)." Vincent interrupted, rolling his eyes a little. Why couldn't they just get straight to the point, he thought, sighing. The raven prince cleared his throat, slowly shifting uncomfortably. ".... She's alright. There's nothing to worry about." He said. Cloud looked away to Tifa, who seemingly pulled Cloud's arm, urging him to tell the truth this time. The guy slowly nodded, and then looked back to Noctis. "I think it's time to tell you the truth."

Noctis stared wide eyed back at Cloud, thinking it had something to do with (Y/N). "What do you mean?" He asked. Cloud took a deep breath, "We should talk about this privately. There maybe spies in here."

"Spies? Are you saying my kingdom isn't safe—"

"I'm not assuming. But not all kingdoms are safe." Cloud interrupted, making the Prince think. "Come with me," he finally agreed. So he went to a place, where Cloud and the other two followed him.


"Master," the beasts bowed before him. The man with a hat smiled slyly, seemingly to receive an information. "Am I about to have news?" He asked, looking down at the beasts. A beast howled, looking up at him.

"We had suspected a player in the Game of Insomnia, Master." It said. The old man widened his eyes, and then without a moment's pause, he laughed evilly. "Oh dear oh dear! The Prince had never been the same... Still desperate to put his old, weak daddy back to life!" He laughed and laughed, and soon his evil laugh died down. His eyes looked straightly at the beasts.

"Where's the Healer?!" He shouted, furrowing his eyebrows that made the wild beasts yelp a little. The wild beasts bowed. "S-She's in the Game of Insomnia— and she's too powerful, Master!—"

"ARE YOU SAYING, I AM TOO WEAK FOR A YOUNG GIRL?!" The old man shouted. The Magitek soldiers aimed their weapons towards the beasts. "F-f-forgive us!!" The beasts stuttered. "Please have mercy!! Her name is (Y/N)!"

The man stopped, and then went for a smile. "Well then... I must be grateful she is one, lucky girl who's supposed to be dead." He laughed. "Or maybe another spy for me? She could be useful against Lucis," he smiled dreadfully. He glanced at the soldiers, then back at the beasts. "Where's the daemon? Bring her to the game. The prince must be taking care of something right now. He wouldn't find out about it!" He cheerfully said, laughing all the way.

He turned around playing with his fingers. "And if she doesn't survive once again with that daemon, it would be alright!" He whispered.

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