Chapter 32: Omega

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The cold breath escaped her mouth as she exhaled. She knelt down on the grass and noticed tiny snowflakes falling slowly, settling on her dark brown hair. Although she managed to brush her hair a few times, the strands had started to become unruly. Her eyes watched her friend Vincent, carrying a limp body of a certain guy. Up to now, the part of her that she wanted to admit to him couldn't now be fulfilled. Tifa could no longer confess, and even if she did before Cloud got hit by an arrow, it would be ridiculous. Besides, you cannot confess to the one you love in the middle of a battle.

Vincent gently laid Cloud's body down, the waters finally touching it. Still, he didn't let go of Cloud. He turned his head by the lake, or the Lifestream, where Tifa stood with her hands settled on one of Denzel and Marlene's shoulders. His lids lowered, his eyelashes covering his red orbs that showed sympathy and melancholy. The sight of the little boy clutching his stuffed teddy bear to himself with his eyes filled with tears was more than enough that it made him feel so guilty. The waters of the Lifestream flowed relentlessly as tides, its waters gently embracing both of Vincent and Cloud's body although the winter solstice had come. Vincent looked down, after Tifa gestured for him to let his hold loosen so that Cloud's body would sink into the bottom of the lake.

He took one last time to the lifeless body, then slowly he let go of him. Cloud's body sank into the waters, until they could see no body with their naked eyes anymore. Vincent moved to a standing position, then walked off away from the Lifestream, finally meeting up with his friends.

Tifa held back the tears that were forcing their way out of her eyes. She pursed her lips, her eyes staring off into the crystal clear waters of the Lifestream. They all stood on their feet as the snow continued to fall. It was as if none of them dared to talk. She met Yuffie's sympathetic face when she gestured for her to take the kids first. Soon the others left, and she was the only one standing by the Lifestream.

She took a deep breath, and let out another breath of air escape her lungs. As her eyes settled on the waters, she plopped down on the grass, partially covered with snow. She was lucky that she brought a cloak with her to cover herself from the cold. Warmth filled her, however it would never replace the trauma she had a few days ago. Closing her eyes, the memories started to come back to her mind and even if she didn't want to think of them, they would still force their way into her mind.


    She wasn't sure where the voice came from, but by the sight that shattered her heart to pieces, she didn't hesitate to sprint toward Cloud. His body slowly fell backwards, and before it would hit the ground, she already caught him. Her eyes were wider than almonds, and her breathing went difficult. She didn't know how on earth did Cloud get hit by an arrow. Initially, she didn't believe that the arrow of death the goddess Etro hummed was true, but when the arrow sunk into the heart of the guy she loved, it was as though she could feel the pain stinging his heart.

    Her eyes never left Cloud's blue ones, even though she felt someone coming toward them. She heard the cries of another girl, but she didn't mind her and she didn't let out a muffled noise. She wanted to scream so bad, but she didn't want to cry out. All she felt was the heavy weight on her shoulders, the dryness of her throat, the sinking feeling and the tears she couldn't stop. They streamed down her face continuously.

    Tifa could hear the heavy breathing of Cloud. She could feel him suffering so bad. Profanities circled around her head, yet she didn't want those words to fly out of her mouth. Then she saw Cloud's eyes fluttering to a close, slowly and silently. He never said a word, but all she could hear were the voices of sympathy and shock around her.

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