The Seto Thing

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Hey guys. Most of you know what happened between Seto and the reast of Team Crafted, and if you don't, where have you been for the past two days?! Anyway, I'm here because I'm tried of seeing this:


"I will not be writing any fanfics/oneshots about TC except for Seto and Deadlox."

"I have lost all of my respect for Team Crafted."

I know that it's your opinion, and I'm not going to try to change that. Because this is supposed to be about my opinion, though nobody really cares.

Fisrt off, I think I should explain to you guys how I found Team Crafted, and to do that I need to take you guys back to four years ago when I first got interested in YouTube.

I couldn't find anything entertainging to do, so I went onto YouTube. One thing caught my eye: "Let's Play Super Paper Mario Ep. 47" by ChuggaaConroy. This was the absolute first thing I had ever watched that included gaming, and this is actually how I began to get involved with video games aside from my older sister. I watched the entire playthrough, and then watched it again and again and again. One day, I was scrolling through the options when I found "Top 10 Scariest Enemies In Video Games" by PeanutButterGamer. The same happened with his channel, and very soon, I came across another recommended video:

"Cops n' Robbers!" by SkyDoesMinecraft.

So, Wheatley, I have Young to thank for me being addicted to the Internet.

Soon, I got hooked on Sky's channel. I actually checked out Jerome's channel next, but then went back t just Adam's. To this day, he is the only one I actively watch, and my computer being broken means that I can't watch him as often. Like, one video a week often. I've watched exactly three of Jason's videos(but in my defense, they were all freaking awesome mods :3) and one of Ty's, about five of the Fluffy's, and one of Quinten's. Everything else I know about every other former or current member of TC is learned through collabs and the Internet.

Since I have never even seen a video with Seto in it, I have never really watched his channel. I did sympathyze with him while listening to the video, and it made my heart break for someone I didn't even know.

After hearing that nobody stood up for Seto except for Ty, I have great newfound respect for him. You go, Ty.

After hearing how Mitch started the survey, the little shreds of respect I had for him were flushed down the toilet.

After hearing that Adam or Jason didn't even stand up for him, my respect for them tarnished a bit, but not entirely.

Basically, the only ways this has affected me is a) I'm probably going to check out Seto's channel, b) Newfound respect for Ty, c) Destroyed respect for the Benja, and d) lots of people leaving the fandom, including my friend Toni.

But why? Why would you just "give up" on the rest of Team Crafted? If I accidentally dropped your mother's prized vase, would you hate me for all eternity? No. Hopefully.

Though they seem to have bad motives, maybe this is just what Seto needed: to make a name for himself. To set himself apart. To start from scratch.

Maybe, just maybe, instead of this being the end of the fandom's story, it's a new book entirely.

And I'm sorry to say this, but MinecraftAngel, you have lost a lot(but not all) of my respect as a reader.

And heartpuddle, if I could follow you a million times, I would.

And Castiolare, don't let this large rift drive you away.

And Under_Pressure, I am very disappointed in you.

That is all I have to say on the matter.