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a/n - SO

I thought it'd be a good idea to explain a but before the story starts sooo

Destiel AU where they're both just normal people(yes I know sounds boring) but anyway

So if you've read the Destiel fan fic 'Twist and Shout' you will understand a lot of references in this and I took one or two ideas from it cus why the hell not👽

But yeah a lot of thks is just a massive joke but some of it is a little more serious

EITHER WAY hope you enjoy it

Also it doesn't stay as texts all the way through, nor do they stay REALLY short, only for tbe first few chapters💕

Anndd just to let you know, I'm British and live in England and I always have, I've never been to the USA though I want to more than anything in the worllddd. But anyway my point is that I'm sorry if there are mistakes related to how things are in America or I write "trousers" instead of "pants" or "path" instead of "sidewalk" ect.



August 2014


1 new message

Recieved 13 minutes ago

Deanmon.Daemon: Heyy

Casthecupcake: Um hi?

Casthecupcake: Do I know you?

Deanmon.Daemon: Nope

Casthecupcake: Why are you talking to me then?

Deanmon.Daemon: Because all your friends were strangers at some point in your life


-And so it began-

Some parts of this are me failing yet another attempt of making people laugh and other parts may get serious or/and tackle serious issues. Either way, hope you enjoy

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