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Cas awoke with a sudden jolt as the impala came to a stop. He sat up, rubbing his eyes, and looked around. He didn't recognise wherever he was. He then remembered exactly where he was... and who he was with. He turned to see Dean with a grin in his face, already looking at Cas.

"Sorry I woke you. We're here anyway." Dean smiled as he opened up his car door. Cas did the same, squinting at the bright light and shutting the car door behind him. Where Dean lived wasn't what he expected at all.

It was along a long, straight road, on which he could see no other cars than the impala, and a great field surrounding it. There were no imidiate neighbours next to their house either. There was one opposite and a but further down and the same on their side but all the houses were well spread out and quiet.

Cas started to take in the enviroment. All he could see was green and blue. The feilds surrounding this road and the houses along it was absolutely immense. He looked out into the distance, wondering when the feild acrually stopped and became something else because he definitely couldn't see it.

"Nice isn't it?" Dean said softly as he came and stood next to Cas, looking out into the distance with him. Cas 'hmm'ed in agreement as his eyes met the house. It was small but was two story. Made of a brown-marroon wood with a white front door. The house didn't look as nice as his old house but he didn't care. It looked amazing all the same.

"Come on, we can go get your stuff in if you want." Dean suggested and Cas nodded as they made their way over to the trunk of the impala.

They grabbed what little bags of Castiel's he'd brought and walked in the front foor.

"Home sweet home." Dean mumbled, half sarcastically but more of a welcome for Cas. Cas was completely dazed. Although, as he'd suspeted, it was small and basically your average house, he was completely over the moon about the place. He lived there. It was his home. And to live in it with Dean, made him the happiest he'd ever been.

He heard Dean lock the front door then put one of Cas' bags he was carrying on his sofa, so Cas proceeded to do the same. Everything was just your basic house things with a sofa and a small TV. Just exactly what you'd expect a house to be like of a person living alone. But to Cas, it was everything, and he couldn't wait to call it his home.

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