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It got practically pitch black in near to no time. Dean was lying on his side, facing Cas but with his one arm under his pillow and the over by his side with his hand slightly curled up by his face. It was clear his was fast asleep and Cas' assumptions were proven right as he hear a quiet, soft snore fill the room. Not the annoying kind though. Just the peaceful kind. Cas lay on his back, looking up at the ceiling. The dark made it little bumps of paint on it look like beautiful shapes. He was used to that – seeing things in the dark I it happened every night to him and somehow he never saw the same thing twice. He thought it was utterly mesmerizing, how by not being able to see as much, you can see more. Like an oxymoron in itself.

Cas had no perception of time what so ever. There was a clock next to the bed but it was too dark to see where the hands on it were pointing to. So, he just lay there, every so often looking to Dean. Gosh he was so beautiful.

After what Cas thought had been hours, he thought he would get up. He snuck out the bedroom, making sure to make as little noise as possible, not wanting to wake Dean, and went downstairs. His assumptions had been confirmed when he looked out the window in the main room and saw the sun just peaking over the horizon, with colour being poured into the sky as each second passed.

5:47am. Good enough time to make breakfast as any. Cas went into the kitchen and rummaged around, looking for anything he could cook up into a decent breakfast for him and Dean. Cas was actually quite a good cook and had made plenty breakfast, having been always the first one up for years.

6:23am. Good enough time to serve breakfast as any. Cas carefully carried the hot plates upstairs, almost dropping one as he stepped up the stairs, he was always been a klutz.

Dean's eyes fluttered open. He yawned and rubbed his eyes before looking over to where he thought Cas would be. No sight of him.

"Cas?" Dean croaked, his voice gruff from just waking up. He slung his legs over the edge of the bed and took a deep breath in with a delicious smell suddenly filling his lungs. At that moment, Cas walked in with two plates in his hands.

"Hey. I made breakfast." Cas said, stating the obvious as he scurried over to Dean and handed him the plate. There were 3 particularly well made pancakes and 2 strips of bacon on the plate. "Sorry, I uh... I got up early and made the pancakes from scratch and fried the bacon. Do you like it crispy? I do. I remember when..." Cas' voice suddenly quietened down as he realised how much he was going on, he realised he was a tendency to do that when he was around Dean, like he wanted to spill every little detail about himself to him and he wanted to know everything about Dean too.

"Cas answer me this. How in absolute holy hell did I manage to get you to live with me again?" Dean laughed. Cas didn't click on at first, just got red in the face. "This is amazing, thank you." Cas smiled and exhaled in relief. Dean motioned to the space next to him on the bed, gesturing for Cas to come sit down and eat.

Within the next half on hour, both boys ended up sitting opposite each other on the bed with the empty plates infront of them. Dean was leaning up against the head board of the bed and Cas was sitting up cross-legged opposite him. Cas was getting exactly what he'd wanted – just to tell Dean everything and Dean to tell him everything. They soon realised the time though.

"We should go unpack." Dean announced, stacking Cas' plate on top of his. Cas nodded.

"Pyjama day?" He asked sheepishly with a smile.

Dean chuckled. "Sure, whatever."

With that, the pair made their way downstairs and whilst Dean cleaned up the dishes, Cas started to go through his bags. Dean came in and picked up another which was surprisingly heavy.

"Geez, what have you got in here? Bricks?" Dean asked and he put the bag back down.

"Books." Cas said, not looking up from the bag he was rummaging through. "Oh and records." He added. Dean opened the bag and saw the records first, obviously on top of the books.

"Dude, who even uses records anymore." Dean smirked as he picked up the stack and sat on the floor, starting to look through them.

"You apparently." Cas mentioned, pointing over to the record player on ther small table next to the TV.

"Yeah, whatever. I thought it was only me." Dean laughed.

"Well obviously not." Cas sniggered as he started to take out clothes from the bag he was still looking in and fold them into neat piles. Dean continued to look through the records, realising Cas actually had a good music taste. A wide grin in particular grew on his face when he came across the ACDC record Cas had which he already had a copy of. Bit of Marilyn Manson all the way to the Beatles.

"Man, Elvis seriously?" Dean scoffed but was still smiling as he held up the 'Elvis' Greatest Hits' record from Cas' collection.

"What?! He's talented!" Cas exclaimed with a laugh.

"More like overrated." Dean sniggered.

"Do not speak ill of the king." Cas teased as he made his way over to Dean.

"King? I don't think so." Dean laughed. As soon as Cas was close enough, he snatched the record from Dean's grip and hugged it tight to his chest so Dean couldn't take it away. Dean smirked and rolled his eyes as Cas went over to the record player and but the Elvis record on.

"Really?" Dean furrowed his brow.

"Really." Cas repeated as 'Heartbreak Hotel' started to blare from the speaker, loudly, but not loud enough so they couldn't talk and not be heard over the music. "Touch my record, I'll snap yours and stab you with it." Cas warned jokingly.

"Wow. Sorry Elvis Feist-ely. " Dean sniggered as he returned to the bag he was looking through. Cas scoffed and rolled his eyes at the bad pun Dean had made.


Yes I took a couple ideas from 'Twist and Shout'. Well more like references to make you all as well as myself cry yay :)))

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