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Deanmon.Daemon: What? No your not, Cas what happened?

Casthecupcake: It's true

Deanmon.Daemon: No it's not, Cas what happened

Casthecupcake: It's Charles



Incoming call from 'dean-the-bean-winchester'

Shakily, Cas opened his window and sat on his conservatory roof even though it was still a little damp from the rain. He shut his window as far as he could without it completely shutting this time though and answered the call as tears began to stream down his face.

"Cas? Cas oh my god." Dean  exclaimed as he saw Cas' black eye had gotten considerably worse. There was a large cut across the top right part of his forehead, still with a slight patch of dried blood around it. His hair was scruffy and eyes red from crying.

"I'm sorry Dean, please... Go... Dean..." Cas stammered as he tried to dry his eyes.

"Cas, calm down! Look at me, okay?" Dean said, attempting to quiet Cas. Cas did as Dean said and looked into Dean's eyes.

"Everything will be fine. We can meet again and you can come stay with me for a bit."

"Dean I'm seventeen and you are too, we aren't even legally adults yet." Cas whimpered as the tears began to come back. "I can't escape him."

"Damn it Cas, yes you can!" Dean inhaled deeply. "Just stay with me for a few days and then go back and you can say you were at a friends house."

"But Dean! That was why it happened, I went away and then came back." Cas stated with his voice breaking.

"Don't go back then!" Dean coaxed loudly. "You'll be okay but you can't stay with them any longer."

"What about your parents? What are you gonna tell them?" Cas implored nervously.

"I live alone. My parents are dead." Dean said bluntly and paused.

"I'm sorry." Castiel mumbled.

"It's fine. I have a little brother, Sam and a little sister, Charlie who spend time up here but they're good, it'll be no problem." Dean assured him.

"O...Okay. Can we meet tomorrow, uh... Same time, same place?"

"Of course. Rememeber bring whatever you need I can buy more stuff or whatever."

"Alright. Alright." Cas sighed. "Thankyou Dean."

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