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Deanmon.Daemon: Heya hottie

Casthecupcake: Halllooo and don't call me that

Deanmon.Daemon: Why not?

Casthecupcake: Um idk

Deanmon.Daemon: See

Deanmon.Daemon: Anyway do you have like skype or something

Casthecupcake: As a matter of fact yes I do

Deanmon.Daemon: Well do you want to?

Casthecupcake: Yeah I guess sure

Deanmon.Daemon: Kay whats your name on it

Casthecupcake: Anti-social-angel

Casthecupcake: And before you say anything yes it is another metaphor as some people believe in angels and some don't, so the angel would be representing myself

Deanmon.Daemon: It's also a contradiction as you called yourself anti-social on a social media account

Casthecupcake: That doesn't necessarily mean I'll use it for socialising. I could've just created the account and left it

Deanmon.Daemon: True I guess

Deanmon.Daemon: But stuff you smart ass

Deanmon.Daemon: smart ass cas

Deanmon.Daemon: Ha

Deanmon.Daemon: Cas the smart ass

Casthecupcake: Dean just stop oml

Deanmom.Daemon: Fuck you I'm hilarious

"Castiel Novak! You get down here now!" Cas heard Charles yell.

"Charles! leave him be! What if he's trying to sleep?!" He heard Charles' wife - Madelyn yell back.

"You think I give two shits? You'd think with all the time he spends awake he would teach himself to act more like a man than a queer!" Charles' words were slurred and Cas could tell he was obviously drunk, again. Before Cas could hear more, his phone started to vibrate from his desk.

Incoming call from 'dean-the-bean-winchester'

Hesitantly, Cas picked up his phone, the call tone ringing out - like music to his ears. He quickly opened his bedroom window and crept out, landing on his conservatory roof before sitting and answering the call.

Holy shit he's perfect

"Heya Cassy." Dean smiled. He was just as gorgeous as Cas thought. The main thing that mesmerized Cas though was his eyes. Dean's eyes were green. Well, green was understatement. To say his eyes were green was like saying the sun was yellow, adaquate, yet not quite accurate enough to capture the burning. It was the shade of green that pushed it's way through the piles of gritty snow to remind you that spring was coming. He was beautiful.

"Uh, hi D... dean..." Cas managed to stutter.

"Wow you're even cuter than I imagined." Dean flashed a grin filled with perfect teeth and unintentionally shaped lips.

"Huh... Well um thanks." Cas smiled and blushed without even realising. Cas then heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs toward his room, causing him to jump in surprise slightly.

"Castiel you fag. Get out here now!" Charles bellowed, now at the top of the stairs.

"Wait what the fuck! Who was that?" Dean exclaimed obviously hearing what had just been shouted at Cas.

"Dean, I'm sorry I'll talk to you soon... I've got to... Gotta go. Um see ya." Before Dean could saying anything else, Cas hung up and scampered back into his bedroom, swiftly closing his window behind him just before Charles stormed with Madelyn cautiously followling.

And even with everything that happened - all he could think about was Dean.
a/n - hope you're enjoying the book so far it gets a little more serious here and eventually it will be done properly and not in texts in every chapter but will still go back to the "tumblr messaging" at some point💕
But anyhow, I hope you're all enjoying it :)

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