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Deanmon.Daemon: Hey dude

Casthecupcake: I'm not dude

Deanmon.Daemon: Who are you then

Casthecupcake: Casthecupcake

Deanmon.Daemon: Yeah on my birth certificate it says Deanmon.Daemon

Casthecupcake: What does that even mean

Deanmon.Daemon: Well my name's Dean and Dean+demon is deanmon then Daemon means a divinity or supernatural being of nature between gods and human/an inner or attendant spirit or inspiring force. But it's the archaic spelling of demon to the whole thing is a contradiction within itself

Casthecupcake: Jeez clever

Deanmon.Daemon: Yeah I guess

Deanmon.Daemon: What's yours?

Casthecupcake: No where near as interesting

Deanmon.Daemon: Just say

Casthecupcake: Well I'm Cas, short for Castiel, and I hate cupcakes
Deanmon.Daemon: Um okay...

Casthecupcake: No it's a metaphor how I dislike cupcakes and if I am a cupcake I therefore dislike myself but the twist is that most people love cupcakes, it's just my opinion. Basically that even if I don't like the 'cupcake' (me) there are plenty other people who might like that certain cupcake if they tried it no matter what I think

Deanmon.Daemon: "jeez clever"

Deanmon.Daemon: But anyway. Hi Castiel, nice to meet you.

Casthecupcake: Hey, same to you Dean.
a/n - sorry this chapter sort of sucked so imma publish another with it but be prepared this whole thing is just complete trash😂

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