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He could hear Cas humming along to the record and quietly singing the occasional word, making him smile. The rest of the contents of the bag was just books. Like A LOT of books. Looking through them, Dean discovered that most of them were biographies of people, some of which he didn't recognise. "Why do you have so many books? And biographies?" Dean asked, holding up one in each hand as Cas looked over to him.

"Uh, it used to help me get to sleep if I read loads but I've read all of those god knows how many times and reading doesn't really work now but I still like those books." Cas informed him.

"Why the biographies though?"

"I uh, I like to learn the last words of people. I believe that it can say a lot about a person. And I just like knowing how people lived, how the achieved whatever they did. It's fascinating." Cas continued.

"What so you just know last words?" Dean asked, narrowing his eyes. Cas shrugged and nodded. "I don't believe you."

"Really? Name any American president." Cas challenged, leaning up against the window sill behind him.

"John F. Kennedy." Dean put bluntly.

"Easy. 'That's very obvious.' It was in response to Mrs. Connolly's comment: 'Mr. President, you can't say that Dallas doesn't love you.' Someone claim to have heard Kennedy say 'my god, I've been hit.' After he was shot but the Secret Servicemen riding in the car with him said otherwise. Now, can I have a harder question?" Cas spoke immensely fast, folding his arms smugly.

"Sure. William McKinley." Dean asked again. Cas sighed.

"'Goodbye – goodbye all. We are all going. It's god's way. His will be done, not ours. Nearer, my god, to thee, nearer to thee. We are all going, we are all going, we are all going, oh, dear.'" Cas quoted again.

"How are you so clever?" Dean smirked, making his way over to Cas.

"Not sure. Guess I just have a lot of spare time." Cas sighed. Then, as soon as Dean was close enough, he snaked his hands behind Cas' head and intertwined his fingers behind Cas' neck. His froze, not knowing what to do and Dean laughed, seeing the look in Cas' face.

Dean gently started to shift his weight from one foot to another, leading Cas until they were eventually swaying subtly.

"Really Dean?" Cas laughed, throwing up his arms slightly then letting them drop back by his side.

"What?" Dean sniggered.

"You're such a dork." Cas sighed with a grin as he entangled his fingers on Dean's back.

"C'mon! I bet you're great at dancing!" Dean teased and he swayed more along to the fast beat of 'Hound Dog', shuffling around his feet every so often. Cas – seeing the joy on Dean's face as they both couldn't stop laughing – eventually gave in and joined in with Dean. It was cheesy and clumsy but neither of them cared, it was hilarious. Cas couldn't remember the last time he'd laughed that hard.

The song was near enough coming to an end when the phone in the hallway started to ring loudly.

"I better go get that." Dean sighed.

"'Kay." Cas let go of Dean and Dean let go of Cas before walking away – still smiling. Cas exhaled slowly. His stomach was in complete knots, being around Dean. He didn't know why or what could happen. All he knew is that he liked Dean. Like a lot. A lot more than anyone else in the world. He sat and continued to fold the clothes, waiting for Dean to come back.

As soon as Dean picked up the phone and held it to his ear, he heard the paniced little voice of his sister Charlie.

"Dean! Finally! Geez, you haven't called in days! You normally call almost every day, what happened? Are you okay?" Charlie chirped quickly over the phone. Dean laughed at her worry for him.

"Charlie, calm down, everything's fine. Just been busy. I'm older than you anyway, I should be the one worrying about you."

"I know. Still. Whatever. Just wanted to check in."

"Yeah, no. That's fine. How's Bobby?"

"Good. The usual. Have you seen Sam and Jess recently?"

"Nope but I spoke to Jess over the phone last week." Dean informed her, leaning up against the wall.

"Oh, good. Okay then. I gotta go. Remember, tomorrow or the day after, call me or Bobby or Sam or Jess or just come by or..." Charlie went on and on, talking quickly, reminding Dean and Cas.

"Yes, I know Charlie. Speak soon." Dean reassured her before hanging up and putting the phone back.

"Who was that?" Cas asked as Dean walked in.

"Just Charlie checking in." Dean shrugged. Within the next hour or two, they had finished unpacking Cas' bags and putting everything away like clothes in the closet and his books on the shelves and his records with Dean's. After they'd finished, they stood on the main room again and looked around. Everything looked basically the same apart from extra things taking up a bit of space.

"Well that's it. You live with me now. No escaping." Dean joked as he leant his arm on Castiel's shoulder which was easy for him as he was a good couple inches taller than him. Cas laughed and shook him off causing Dean to fall slightly and both of them burst out in laughter again. Dean caught himself on the window ledge. He was now at Cas' height, smiling at each other face to face. Cas felt the blood start to rush to his face again in realisation of how close his and Dean's faces now were. Dean noticed, causing him to laugh again, It was so obvious – how nervous Cas would get all the time and frankly, Dean felt exactly the same, he was just better at hiding it that Cas.

"You called me 'such a dork' when in reality, Castiel Novak, you're the dork." Dean said clearly before quickly leaning and kissing Cas' cheek, just catching the corner of his lips, leaving Cas completely dazed and Dean stood back to normal height again. Cas was star stuck. He was confused about what Dean had said and was still trying to comprehend the circumstances. Eventually, he realised that Dean had started walking away toward the kitchen door.

"You hungry?" Dean smiled, poking his head around the door frame. Cas finally looked over with his lips tightly sealed as he tried not to gleam uncontrollably and nodded, following Dean.

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