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Deanmon.Daemon: Castiel

Deanmon.Daemon: Hey Cas

Deanmon.Daemon: Cassyy

Casthecupcake: Hi Dean

Deanmon.Daemon: Who are you

Casthecupcake: Um I told you, I'm Castiel

Deanmon.Daemon: That's just a name though

Casthecupcake: So is 'Dean' and 'Deanmon.Daemon'

Deanmon.Daemon: Fine my name's Dean Winchester, I'm a 17 year old boy from Lawrence, Kansas

Deanmon.Daemon: Now you know 3 more facts about me

Casthecupcake: Actually only 2 more, you once said your last name in a post you reposted so I already knew that

Deanmon.Daemon: Sure fine im bi there's 3 facts

Casthecupcake: Hm okay fair enough

Deanmon.Daemon: I believe it's vitally important to be open about homosexuality just to 1. Get it straight (no pun intended) that I'm not talking to some judgemental asshole. And 2. To make it easier for everyone to come out as it can be tough so by other people doing it can aspire other people to do it more comfortably too

Casthecupcake: Run for president 'dude'

Deanmon.Daemon: Yass new best friend
a/n - legit don't even know what this is other than the just one loonngg joke and I apologize 👽

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