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The pair didn't do much else that day. Cas helped out with lunch as they had established that Cas was a much better cook than Dean and they ate outside. Dean didn't really have a backgarden, well, no distingushed one anyway. There was a back door from the kitchen but it just lead to a few concrete slabs of then the masses of grassland as far as the eye could see. It was nice though. Knowing her could just run and run in one direction across such an open space.

That night, the same argument about the beds was carried out but Dean won, just like the night before. Dean tried to stay up with Cas and did for hours but accidently dozed off at early hours in the morning. Cas didn't mind though, it have him time to think.

Once again, he lay on his back, admiring the shapes and one in a while, closing his eyes and rolling over, trying to get some sleep like Dean had wanted him to. But again, it didn't work. So he just ended up thinking about that day, how everything had changed. How one day, he felt he couldn't get any lower and now, he couldn't help smiling just thinking about where he was, who he was with. Dean's voice. The miniscule, barely noticable freckles that dotted across the bridge of his nose and slightly over his cheeks. The dimples that appeared either side of his mouth when he smiled but the left one was always more prominemt. Or that necklace Cas had never seen Dean without - like it was glued at the back of his neck. He even slpet with it on which Cas had told Dean not to do in case it accidently strangled him in his sleep or hurt him in anyway but Dean refused.

There were tons of things, the little things, the subtle things, he noticed about him. He tried to drive his mind to think about anything esle, but he couldn't. His imagination took over as he started to imagine his future. Their future. He laughed and shook his head, thinking to himself that everything he was telling himself could never happen. He was still half waiting to wake up, back at his old home with Madison and Charles. Like he had finally fell asleep there and was having some wonderful dream in his little dream world he had subconciously created to distact him from the horros within that house.

When adults say 'teenagers think they're invincible' with that sly, stupid smile on their faces, they don't know how right they are. Need never be hopeless, because they are irreparably broken. Teens think they're invincible, because they are. They cannot be born, nor can die, Like all energy, they can only change shapes and sizes and manifestations. No matter how broken they get, they can change and be fixed again. And they believe in that. So are invincible.

And that's just what Cas thought.

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