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Luckily, the park was quiet - almost abandoned and surrounded by trees. The two made their way over to the swings as Cas explained everything. The two seemed to not be able to stop telling their life stories to each other.

"So where are your parents?" Dean asked as he lazily scuffed the toe of his trainer on the gravel beneath him.

"*God knows." Cas scoffed. "I don't really want to know either. My whole family were um... Heavily religious and a few days after I came out to them, they kicked me out. Charles and Madelyn, my foster parents, were old friends of my dads and all that was about a year ago. I guess Madelyn is fine, it's just Charles, he's not relgious, just hates me." Cas explained with a sigh.

"Why does he hate you though?" Dean wondered.

"I don't really know. I think he sees me as a burden on him. He says with all the time I spend awake I should learn how to be more 'man-like' than queer." Cas told him.

"That's complete and utter bullshit!" Dean scoffed. "What about your insomnia then?"

"Uh... I think I've had it for about 5 years now, since I was 12. I never knew and still don't know what caused it. None of my family ever suffered from it. It's just me." Cas shrugged and swung a little, dragging his feet on the ground.

The two talked for a little longer until Cas started to feel cold droplets falling onto his head. He look up and so did Dean to see the sky was a dark grey colour with clouds. The droplets became more frequent by the second until it was raining lightly but still getting heavier.

"Come on, if we run we can make it to the car before we get caught." Dean suggested and Cas nodded. Unexpectedly, Dean grabbed Cas' hand.

And they ran.

The rain pouring down on them seemed to have no effect of them.

Cas felt happy for the first time in a long time. He was happy talking to, being with Dean. His worn down, second hand trainers allowed the rain to seep in and onto his socks. Even more so when his feet thudded into the puddles building up and splashing onto the end of his trouser leg.

The two of them were completely soaked in rain water by the time they reached Dean's car (a 1967 Chevrolet Impala just as Dean had told Cas) despite their efforts to keep dry. They both got in the car laughing, Dean in the driver's seat and Cas in the passenger.

"So where to?" Dean beamed as he started up the car.

Cas directed Dean has he drove, talking more and more the whole time until they reached the start of the street in which Cas lived. Foretunatly, the rain had lightened up so Cas was just going to walk the last few minutes to his house so Dean would have enough time for him to drive himself home.

"Will I be able to see you again?" Dean asked as he leaned out of the window to Cas who was standing on the pavement.

"Of course Winchester." Cas reassured him, pushing his sunglasses up his nose to hide his eye from anyone else. Dean smiled.

"**See you then."


*Yes this was meant to be a joke about Cas literally being gods son in Supernatural. And yes I know it's terrible😂

**I apologise for your broken Twist and Shout ridden hearts

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