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After they'd finished their drinks (all the while Dean had been bugging Cas about where he really went but Cas never gave in), Dean went to go shower so in the meantime, Cas put on one of his Elvis records and proceeded to read 'The Rise Of Theodore Roosevelt' although he had already read it twice but still enjoyed it every time.

Dean had only been in the shower about 10 minutes when suddenly, the phone started to ring. Cas thought of it as strange as usually no-one ever called but Charlie and she only called on weekends which today, was not.

He assumed it was probably some bothersome call centre or people asking if you have insurance but he folded down the corner of the page he was on and got up to answer it anyway.

"Hello?" Cas said as he picked up the phone and took the needle off his Elvis record.

"Hey De... Wait who is this?" The voice asked through the phone. A man – but a voice Cas didn't recognise.

"I'm Castiel, who's speaking?"

"Cas what? Who the hell are you!?"

"I just told you, Castiel, Castiel Novak. Who's this?"

"Why are you on my brother's phone? What the..."

"Sam?" Castiel asked, knowing Dean had only ever told him of the one brother he had.

"How do you know me? Why the hell are you at my brother's house!?" Sam roared, obviously utterly irate.

"It's Cas! Don't you..." Before Cas could finish, there was an abrupt beep as the phone call ended. He was completely confused, why hadn't Sam recognised his name? I mean it wasn't exactly the most commonly heard name around... Despite this, Cas phoned the number back.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Beep.

He tried again.

Ring. Ring. Beep.

It was no use. It appeared that Sam was just hanging up the phone each time Cas called. He put his record back on and tried to start reading again but he was in too much angst, chewing his nails and tapping his feet worrying about the phone call. To be fair, it was most likely nothing, but Cas was still worked up.

The immediate Cas heard the shower turn off, Cas was on his feet, pacing back and forth in the living room before he heard Dean coming down the stairs again. He waited by the living room door so as Dean turned the corner, Cas was unexpectedly already in his face.

"Sam called." Cas blurted. Dean's stomach dropped and his breathing hitched. Shit.

"What did he say?" Dean laughed weakly, rubbing the back of his head as he sat down, trying to play it off as him being casual. It wasn't working even in the slightest.

"He just kept asking who I was and I told him. Cas – Castiel Novak and he still didn't know who I was and he asked what I was doing on his brother's phone and..." Castiel paused, hearing what he'd just said and taking it into account properly after hearing it aloud. "Dean?"


"Have you even told Sam I live here?" Cas narrowed his eyes, anticipating an answer.

"Well I was but..." Dean began but Cas interrupted, furious.

"You haven't told him! Does he even know! Does Charlie even know? Jess? Bobby?" Cas sprung from the sofa he and Dean had been sitting on and yelled looking down on him. Dean shook his head. "I honestly cannot believe you Dean." Cas scoffed and as sat back down with his head in his hands.

"Look, I'm sorry okay! I was going to tell him, truthfully I was going to tell them all!"

"But?" Cas questioned, looking toward him again sternly.

"I don't know I just... I never got round to it..." Dean mumbled.

"Charlie calls every weekend to talk to you and you never once mentioned my name?" Cas exclaimed. He felt betrayed almost.

He instantly started to doubt if Dean was even comfortable with Cas. Was Dean embarrassed by Cas and that's why he didn't want to tell them? Or had Dean lied when he said his family knew he was bi or even had a boyfriend? Or did he just... Not like Castiel at all...? Maybe he only loved him out of sympathy because of what Charles did... Maybe Dean just felt sorry for him after learning Cas' parents kicked him out so made Cas fall into a sense of false security with him... Or maybe Dean was just feeling lonely. Lonely after his parents died. Lonely after Sam found Jess. Lonely after Charlie went to live somewhere where she was safe and protected. Lonely when Bobby then had Charlie to take care of and make sure she was brought up right. Lonely so... So he brought in Cas...

The thoughts flooded to the front of Cas' mind, almost making him shake but in what? Anger? Desperation? Rejection? Self-pity? Self-hate? He didn't know. All he knew was that there had to be a reason Dean wouldn't mention Cas to anyone.

"Castiel?" Dean asked after Cas hadn't said anything for a while. He noticed Cas staring at the floor with his bottom lip trembling slightly. "Cas you okay?"

"Why Dean? Honestly, please tell me." Cas sniffed with his heart pounding.

"I was scared ok? Scared of what you'd think of them. I love my family but I mean my brother's a giant nerd and not just because he's super smart, he's literally giant." Dean sniggered slightly. "Jess is so sweet be she's also a super genius and is so friendly that sometimes she comes on a bit strongly, being too comfortable too quickly with new people. Bobby... Bobby's just the greatest. I could not have asked for what he's done for me over my whole life and I'll never be able to repay the debt. He's just really protective and his jokes are crude but... Oh and Charlie. Dear god Charlie... She's the smallest biggest geek you'll ever meet. She's just so kind like Jess I guess and brainy too but she is so hyperactive and so fun and she talks really fast and obsesses over everything easily. I love her – she's my sister but... I realise other people could think she's... a little annoying or something..."

The corner of Cas' lip rose into a half smile as he sighed in relief.

"And I'm sorry." Dean added again, observing the way the deep, night ocean blue melted into a softer, baby blue silver in Cas' eyes. Beautiful.

"It's okay Dean." Cas paused and inhaled slightly. "I forgive you. I understand and... You're a dumbass." Cas laughed and Dean laughed along with him. "Dean I don't care who you're related to. I love you. And frankly I don't care who the hell knows. Even our family was a bunch of actually giant, annoying as heck, super smart, geeky, homophobic assholes, it would not change the way I see you. You can't help who you're related too but by the sounds of it. Your family is absolutely amazing and marvellously interesting and if you want me to, I can't wait to meet them." Cas beamed excitedly, making Dean grin too. Their hands were placed atop each other's on the sofa between them and they were both completely lost in each other with their modesty and care. That was until there was an unexpected, abrupt hammering on their front door...

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