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Cas arrived to the park early, not taking his eyes off the road nearby, looking for that 1967 Chevrolet Impala Dean said he drove. He was anxious with anticipation. He was about to meet Dean- the Dean Winchester. That stunningly perfect angel that seemed to have fell from the sky just for Cas. He has especially made an effort toward his clothing, but the whole look was thrown off by the sunglasses he had put on to hide his face. And even though he had left a note for Madelyn and Charles telling them where he had gone (but god no who he was meeting) incase they arrived home early. He was still terrified of what Charles would do if he found out that Cas had gone to meet a boy he met online.


Dean was meant to be there by now, only by a couple minutes though. Cas sat on a bench, always keeping is eyes and ears open, looking out for Dean. Each time an anonymous car passed, Cas found himself standing up urgently, expecting it to be Dean.


5 minutes gone. Cas started to worry.

Has he forgotten me? Maybe he was kidding. Maybe he was lying.

Thoughts rattled around Cas' head like a rock in a wooden box. It staretes to make his head ache.


That's it. Cas ran his hands through his hair nervously and began pacing back and fourth. There was nothing but silence. He could no longer even hear the wind gently rustling throughout the leaves on the trees that surrounded the park. No cars. No distanct voices. Just a complete serene environment, like everything around him was just as tense as him.



Casthecupcake: Dean, are you still coming?


"Of course cupcake"

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