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The pair paused silently before there were another 3 loud knocks. Cas furrowed his eyebrows in confusion – no one ever came to their house really.

"That'll be Sammy." Dean announced, putting Castiel's questions to rest.

"That was fast..." Muttered Cas.

"Yeah he probably started heading down as soon as he got off the phone with you." Dean said as he got up and quickly went to the front door. Cas sat still, gnawing down his nails nervously again.

Dean knew that Sam would probably be mad and was half scared that Sam wouldn't approve of Cas. His brother wasn't a bad person, he just cared a lot for Dean. Dean opened the door widely in one swift motion and just as he'd predicted, his little brother was standing there in the doorway.

"Hey Sammy..." Dean smiled acting as he would any other time Sam arrived at his door apart from the nervous laughter that followed each sentence.

"Hi Dean." Sam put bluntly, folding his arms.

"Hey Dean," A voice came from behind Sam and sure enough, Jess stepped forward with a smile on her face.

"Jess hey! Uh, come in."

The pair did as Dean said as they all made their way into the living room where Cas was. Castiel stood as soon as he heard footsteps coming toward him. He recognised Sam and he assumed the girl with him was Jessica as he recognised her too from the pictures. They all stood silently for a moment as Cas gulped and sealed his lips tensely.

"Sam, Jess this is my boyfriend Castiel Novak. Cas this is my little brother Sam and his girlfriend Jessica." Dean introduced, standing in between them all. Cas smiled a little as Dean called Sam his 'little' brother considering Sam was the tallest in the room. Jess also gave a little wave and a grin as Dean introduced her.

"Hi." Cas exhaled quickly.

"So you wanna elaborate Dean?" Sam questioned, still weary of Cas. Dean nodded and motioned for them to sit down. Cas saw that their wasn't big enough for the 4 of them but luckily, Jess was small enough so she just perched on the arm of the chair, leaning on Sam who was then sitting next to Dean who was next to Castiel on the other end of the sofa.

"So it started about 5 months ago when I decided to message him on tumblr, no particular reason, it just happened. And I'm sure as hell glad of it..." Dean started to explain. Sam and Jess listened carefully, intrigued by their story. He told them everything from start to finish, with Cas butting in unintentionally sometimes, adding in little details. Both of them answered all the questions Sam and Jess had truthfully, that was a no brainer – Sam was Dean's family.

"... so it's been about 2 months since the funeral and now... Here we are I guess." Dean finished. Sam opened his mouth to say something but Jess quickly interrupted.

"Well I don't see any problems. Everything's fine, just please tell us straight away next time so I can start planning what to get your new boyfriend for Christmas earlier." Jess gleamed, making Sam laugh.

"Yeah I guess... What she said." Sam added. Dean looked to Cas next to him and squeezed his leg above his knee as if to say 'I told you everything would be okay.'

"So uh... Do you want a drink or something?" Cas offered as he stood up.

"Ooo yeah black coffee, I'll help!" Jess offered as she ran off into the kitchen making Sam laugh again.

"Same here please," Sam shrugged.

"Me too," Dean smiled before Cas went into the kitchen, leaving the Winchester brothers to talk while he and Jess made the drinks.

"So how you been doing, you know, living with Dean and all? Cus you know he can be extraordinarily pestering." Jess giggled as she filled the kettle with water.

"He's... gosh..." Cas paused and sighed with a smile as he propped himself up on the kitchen counter. "He's honestly just the best like... Well you know about my family and Charles and.... And Madelyn. With him it's like the first time I can just... Just do whatever I want and be whoever I want without criticism or living in fear..."

"Yeah I see. You two are frankly the most adorable couple I know... bar me and Sam." Jess laughed and Cas did too, shaking his head.

"I don't know about that..."

"I do." Jess affirmed as the water in the kettle started to boil.

"So uh... Sorry if it's rude for asking but... What that ins-thing you have?" Jess questioned cautiously.

"Insomnia. It's like when you have trouble sleeping a lot basically it can be caused by anything from stress to people your related to having it or even just where you are. It's not just having trouble sleeping though, it's like any time of the day, I'll suddenly be absolutely exhausted and have trouble keeping my eyes open walking down the street. But despite that I could be lying in bed for a few nights in a row and be wide awake every night – not getting a wink of sleep."

"Oh yeah I've heard of that before I think a girl in some of my classes used to have it." Jess said as the kettle boiled and she quickly made the drinks. Jess followed her back into the living room with a small smile on his face. Jessica was genuinely nice.

"So have you asked him?" Jess asked Sam as she perched herself back onto the arm of the chair and sipped at her coffee. Dean and Castiel looked at each other in confusion, wondering what they were talking about.

"Not yet." Sam sighed as he changed position on the sofa to face Dean and Cas. "So Dean, the reason I phoned you was to ask you something but now we know Cas he's here, he's welcome to come as well if you wants."

"Go where?" Dean wondered.

"Well of course it's Christmas soon and Jessica's parents have given her an early Christmas present of the beach house as they never use it. So we were thinking me, you, Jess, Charlie and obviously Cas now could go on a little road trip and spend Christmas down there." Sam explained as a wide grin grew on Jess' face.

"Well, what d'you think Cas?" Dean asked, turning to Castiel. He was sort of afraid. Afraid of spending Christmas at some beach house with only 1 other person there he really knew. Afraid of scaring off Sam, Jess or Charlie or them thinking of him as strange. But still, he could see the hope in Dean's eyes as he stared at him. So nodded.

"Yay!" Jess squealed in excitement, throwing her hands up in the air, almost falling off of the arm of the chair.

The rest of the day was spent as the four of them sat talking about their new plans. It was decided they would meet extremely early Christmas Eve morning at Bobby's then take his RV and start the drive from there, taking it in turns driving. If they did this, they would hopefully be at the beach house on Christmas morning. Dean wasn't a big fan of the getting up extra early Christmas Eve but obviously, it wasn't a problem for Cas who promised he would wake Dean up.

So it was decided. They were going on an 18 hour 30 minute drive to Virginia Beach for Christmas. Dean also agreed he would call up Charlie tomorrow and explain everything to her just as he had to Sam and Jess. They had a good time ahead of them. Hopefully...


a/n – Just for clarification/a reminder, in this Dean and Cas are 17, Sam and Jess are 16 and Charlie is 15 :)

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