
41 5 3

October 2014

Falling in love with Dean was so painless. Like it just happened. They both knew it and accepted it. They didn't ignore it, or hide it or fight against it. Everything just fot together like puzzle pieces.

It had been about 2 months since Cas moved in now. The single bed had quickly gone to resolve having that same argument each and every night. So they just shared. Cas seemed to be sleeping a little better with Dean near to him. Better than he'd ever slept at Charle's and Madison's. He hadn't met Bobby or Sam or Charlie or Jess yet but he was looking forward to it. He was happier too. And so was Dean. Both of them never wanted it to end. But of course, all good things must. Or at least, they can't jut be good all the time.

One morning, Cas woke up from a good around 4 hours sleep with Dean asleep next to him. He smiled seeing him so peaceful and tip toed out of bed. It was a regular thing for the two. Dean would most of the time wake up to Cas coming back into the room or hearing music from the record player downstairs or simply hearing Cas singing or humming as he did all the time.

As Cas came back into the bedroom, he was Dean was still asleep and turned to go downstairs before a loud melodic tune started to blare. Cas instantly recognised i was his phoned and practically leaped over to it to stop it from being so loud so it wouldn't wake Dean. he answered the call without hesitation, just to shut it up. The line was quiet. He checked to see if Dean was still asleep - he was.

Cas left the room, checking the caller ID as he did. It was Madelyn. A smile grew on his face as he read the name. He couldn't wait to tell her all about him and Dean and how great everything was. He wanted to invite her down so she could meet Dean but obviously he wouldn't invite down Charles.

"Madelyn!" Cas exclaimed happily as he scampered down the stairs so he could talk normally witout waking Dean. But then, all his happiness faded as he heard the voice on the otherline.

"Not quite son."


Cas exhaled sharply and gritted his teeth  at Charles calling him son. He was far from it.

"Charles?" Cas gulped.

"Yeah. How've you been Castiel?" His voice seemed slightly softer and not nearly as slurred as it usually was.

"Fine. How's Madelyn?" Cas made sure not to ask how Charles how he was because frankly, he didn't care. Cas tried not to let the anger be heard in his tone of voice though.

"Actually... That's who I've called about..."

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