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Dean Winchester

The Dean Winchester

Cas turned around as quickly as his body would allow, suddenly feeling extra stupid about the sunglasses yet so relieved. Before Cas was aware of making the conscious decision, he practically leaped at Dean, wrapping his arms around his neck even though Dean was considerably taller than him. He felt tears start to well in his eyes. To Cas' surprise, Dean hugged back. Cas couldn't even remember the last time he was hugged and it felt amazing. After a couple seconds, he stepped back, starting to go red in the face but they still clung onto each other's arms.

"You're real." Cas managed to squeak in utter shock and amazement.

"Yeah, I'm here. Relax Cas. It's all okay." Dean hushed him and pulled him into a hug again for a while. "Now why are you wearing sunglasses if it's not even sunny? You're not one of thise douches that jusr wears sunglasses everywhere cus he can are you?" Dean sighed as he and Cas both pushed away again, looking at each other up and down.

Dean was mesmerizing to Cas. He had that kind of face that stopped you in your tracks. Cas thought he was probably used to it, the sudden pause in ones natural expression when they look his way followed by overcompensating with a nochalant gaze and a weak smile. However, he got better the more Cas looked. His rich chocolate-blonde hair that tousled griminess which promised finesse. He had distinct cheekbones and an angular jaw, his pale skin with freckles that made him look devilishly handsome.

Cas didn't even realise that 1. He had been asked a question and 2. He had been staring for so long until the wind picked back up and a bird cawed, breaking the silence and making him jump.

"Oh no my uh... Eyes are just really sensitive to bright light." Cas lied.

"Yeah right. As if I'm gonna fall for that one." Dean sighed as reached his hands up toward Cas' face. Cas flinched but allowed Dean to remove the glasses as he hung his head in shame. Dean then gently lifted Cas' chin to see his face, revealing the large bruise covering his left eye. "Oh my god." Dean said under his breath in astonishment. "Did Charles do that?"

Cas nodded gently.

"I'm sorry, this is stupid." Cas laughed to himself as he dried his eyes with his sleeve.

"What's stupid?" Dean questioned.

"I mean, I don't even know you, I met you in tumblr yet I feel like I've known you my whole life."

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