Chapter 3- Jealous of Tyler?

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Castiel stood up quickly as the bell rang so he could go to lunch. He shoved his stuff in his back pack and headed out to lunch.
Since this was Castiels first day and the only person he had talked to was Dean he had to eat alone. Which wasn't very surprising since that's what usually happened anyways.
He went outside and sat on the bleachers taking out his sketchbook and pencils. He loved to just people watch and draw the people that stood out to him. He could do this for hours on end. He'd go to the park and sit on the bench. He did this on most every weekend except the ones that Gabriel needed him for. Those were the weekends that he didn't draw. Those were the weekends where he tried to stay alive.

He looked up from his paper and saw Dean on the football field goofing off with basically the whole team. He chuckled as Dean punched some kid and the kid just sat on the ground laughing.

Deans friend that had been with him earlier when Cas had bumped into Dean, Tyler came jogging up and he sat beside cas on the bleachers. Cas looked at Tyler and raised an eyebrow.
"Hello. Don't know if you remember me but I'm Tyler."
Cas nodded.
"Yeah I remember you. What are you doing here?"
"What? you don't mind if I sit here do you?"
Castiels eyes widened.
"No of course not. But why would you want to sit here?"
Tyler chuckled.
"Because you're cute and I don't want to stand down there with the others."
Castiels face turned red at the comment. Was Tyler flirting with him? Tyler was hot and all. And he seemed relatively nice. He supposed. Definitely not afraid to let people know he was bi which cas figured was what Tyler was.

"Uh thanks I guess."
Tyler nodded.
"So Castiel. I'm having this party this weekend and was wondering if you wanted to come. Everyone will be there. Including Dean."
Cas' face turned red slightly.
"What?" he choked out.
Tyler chuckled and pointed to Castiels notebook.

"Isn't that who you're drawing?"

Cas looked down at his sketches. He didn't even realize that he was drawing Dean. He quickly closed his notebook and shook his head.
"I don't know what your talking about."
Tyler laughed.
"Well either way you want to come or not?"
Cas nodded.
"I would like to come yes. But I can not."
"Why not?"
"My brother needs me this weekend. We're going out of town."
"Oh. Alright. Next time then."
He flashed a smile at Cas and walked away. Cas frowned as he put his notebook away. If Tyler knew he was gay. How many others knew? He would have to be more careful.


Dean frowned as he watched Tyler flirting with cas. Wait. Was Dean jealous? Naa he just didn't want to see the kid get hurt that's all. That was it. That had to be it. He just didn't want to see cas get hurt by Tyler.

Dean grabbed his bag from the field as the bell rang and headed off towards science. Girls giggled and swooned as he walked by and he smirked at them.
He smiled but inside he was mad. He didn't even know what the real reason was.

He walked into science late and smiled at the teacher.

"Winchester where were you?"
Dean shrugged.
"Well I was late because I was saving this kitten from a tree but then there was this robbery so I had to stop them because they were stealing from poor little orphan children."

The teachers foot tapped on the floor in irritation as a few kids snickered at deans sarcasm.

"Take a seat. Now."

Dean kept his crooked grin on his face as he looked for a seat. The only open one was in the back at a table next to someone he couldn't see from where he was standing.

People offered up their seats as Dean walked by but he shook his head. He could see who it was clearly at the table in the back. And Dean wanted to sit by them for some reason.

He sat down throwing his bag down.
"Hey kid."
He smiled. Cas looked up at him and smiled slightly.
"Nice job with the orphans and all that. But I could have sworn I saw you on the football field."
Dean laughed.
"Naa that must have been my twin."
This time it was castiels turn to laugh as he kept his eyes on his paper.

"So what did Tyler want at lunch?"
Cas blushed slightly at the mention of Tyler and Dean got angry. No he was not jealous. He was not.

"He just invited me to some party."
"Are you going?"
"No. I'll be out of town."
Dean looked at his paper and sighed. He wasn't in the mood for this right now. He shoved the paper in his backpack annoyed at school.

He couldn't wait to get home and train. Every day Dean would train his body physically so he would stay in shape. It helped with hunting and also with football which was nice. It also helped him to blow a little steam. Sometimes he got antsy in school and especially because he kept all hi real emotions bottled up inside it helped a lot.


Cas looked up at Dean from his paper. It probably wasn't his business but Dean looked tense. Sort of angry.

"Are you alright?"
He whispered not wanting to get in trouble from the teacher.

Dean looked up at Castiel and cas felt a tugging at his heart as he looked into Deans brilliantly green eyes.

"What are you talking about?"
Dean raised an eyebrow.

Cas blushed slightly. He seemed to be doing that a lot around Dean. He shrugged.

"You look tense."

Dean smirked.

"Yeah? well I have a long weekend ahead of me."

Clearly Dean didn't want to talk about it any further and cas dropped the subject going back to his paper. He had a long weekend ahead of him as well.

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