Chapter 22-Blue lollipop

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"Please Cas. Please."

Dean begged. He knew Cas wouldn't argue, but he still felt bad for always taking the window seat on the plane.

Castiel smiled and kissed Dean on the nose before shouldering his bag and leading Dean to boarding.

"Of course Dean. You know I don't mind."

Dean smiled a little nervously. He couldn't help the feeling of pure terror he had when he flew on planes. They crashed for gods sake!

He had to sit in the window seat because one, he always wanted to bash the skull of whoever was sitting next to him out of annoyance. And two, he felt like if he could see that they were still in the sky he felt a little reassured. Plus he liked the sort of privacy he and Cas could get when he sat in the window seat.

Once they were on the plane and in their seats, and the plane had taken off to reveal the blue, cloudy sky of Hawaii. Which in fact they'd had a great time surfing, the flight attendant came on and said they could unstrap.

Both Dean and Cas unbuckled their seat belts and Dean pulled Cas onto his lap, so that Cas' back was pressed against the plane window and his feet were on the seat he was just sitting in.

Luckily there was no one in the aisle seat to annoy Dean.

Some people wouldn't like someone on their lap in such close quarters as a plane seat. But Dean loved to have Cas' breath on his face, and the weight of his body on his. It made him feel safe. And he needed that on the plane.

"Cas what are we going to do when we get there?"

Dean's voice cracked a little out of nervousness and Cas shifted in Dean's lap and leaned his head against Dean's shoulder, and Dean couldn't see Cas' face anymore which was good for him. He didn't want Cas to see how nervous he was.

"Well we can get a room and then the next day we could go sight seeing.."

"I really want to see the Eiffel Tower.."

Dean whispered and Cas nodded.

"At night.."

He added and Dean smiled. That would be perfect.

"Of course."


He texted Gabe!

Oh god this was getting sad.

Gabriel was getting excited just when Sam texted him. This is not what Gabe had wanted.

He'd seen Sam once this week, and was getting over excited just from a text.

They'd moved to California and Gabriel had gotten a house, of course he hadn't known that Sam would be staying in a dorm room.

Sam had said that it was because he wanted to get aquatinted with a few people that went to the same college, and that he wanted the full experience.

The only time Gabe had seen him was when he took him out to dinner on Wednesday.

So it was safe to say that Gabriel was going into a sort of depression of sorts.

'Hey Gabe. Sorry I can't go to dinner tonight. I have a ton of homework.'

Gabe sighed at the text and sent a quick reply.

'I understand. Maybe next time.'

Gabe threw his phone across the room and it landed with a soft thud on the couch.

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