Chapter 23- That's A Yes

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Dean zipped his coat up against the cold and he shoved his hands in his pockets.

He looked up and there against the night sky that was sprinkled with stars was the Eiffel Tower, lit up in beautiful lights.

Castiel stood beside him and his face was lit up with the lights from the tower.

Dean wrapped an arm around Cas as he looked up at the tower with him.

"It's beautiful isn't it?"

Dean asked. Cas nodded still smiling.

"Wish we could go up there at night. It's too bad they close it though."

Dean smiled taking Cas' hand in his and started jogging towards the tower with Cas laughing and trying to keep up.

"Dean what are we doing?"

"We're going to the top of the tower!"

Dean and Cas laughed and Cas tried to make Dean stop but with no avail.

"We could get arrested!"

"We're Americans we can't!"

Cas laughed and they stopped at the elevator to the top. Dean knelt down and started to pick the lock.

He finally got it and they went inside giggling and hit the button to the top.

"Dean this is not a good idea!"

"What are you talking about? This is the best idea I've ever had!"

They both laughed some more and Dean kissed Castiel quickly.

"I love everything on your list Cas."

Castiel smiled shyly and Dean saw his face turn white as a sheet.

"Cas you okay?"

Castiel nodded quickly.

"Thanks Dean. I'm fine."

Dean was a little confused but he shrugged it off and kept his hand in his pocket, he hadn't taken it out.

Cas looked at Dean and smiled and Dean's stomach flipped like it did every time Cas smiled at him.


Gabe sighed and looked up at the sky. It was dark now. Since he'd fallen asleep in the sand and now it was even colder out. He sat up and looked out over the water. It was beautiful. He should be sharing this with Sam.

Gabriel jumped in surprise when he felt his pocket vibrating. He reached in and pulled out his phone. He didn't even care to see who it was. Probably some bill collector or Cassie.


"Hey Gabe.."

Gabriel froze. It was Sammy. His Sammy!

"Sam? I thought you had homework."

Gabe said with venom in his voice. And he didn't mean to sound so mean, but Sam had been ignoring him for homework and standing him up.

"Yeah well.. Something came up. Guess I don't anymore. I'd like.. I mean would you... Will you come over?"

Gabriel smiled into the phone, but then he turned bitter again.

"You can't just expect me to drop everything I'm doing when you call and then have you ignore me the rest of the time. It isn't fair to me Samuel."

Oh no. He used Sam's full name. Why was Gabe so bitter? He should be happily going to Sam and bringing him in his arms, kissing him like his life depended on it..

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