Chapter 25- I do?

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Oh god. Dean wasn't ready for this. Nope! He's going home. Ditching the whole thing.

Sam grabbed Dean's arm. He was his best man.

"I know you're nervous Dean, but come on. Everything's going to be awesome."

Dean nodded. Sammy was right, this was Cas. He was probably just as nervous than he was if not more.

Bobby interlocked his arm with Dean's once Sammy and everyone else had walked down the aisle.

Bobby was giving Dean away, since Dean considered him to be his real father.

Dean took a deep breath and straightened his blue bow tie. He had a black suit on, and the hint of color he had was blue. Although he couldn't tell. Sam had sorted out the colors. Green and blue apparently.

Because of the colors of Cas' and Dean's eyes.

Castiel wore a green tie around his neck.

Bobby helped Dean down the aisle, since he probably would have fell down if Bobby hadn't been there.

There were reporters everywhere as they filmed the whole thing, the photographers that Dean had hired, and people that they had invited sitting in chairs facing an arch of flowers. There was also a lot of people they hadn't invited sitting in the back and smiling.

Cas had become a famous artist in the past month, creating album covers and billboards. So there were a lot of famous people.

Mostly people Dean didn't care about, since he was into Classic Rock.

Anyways, speaking of his beloved Castiel, there he stood his hands clamped together as he stared at Dean and Dean stared at Cas.

They finally got to the alter, and Bobby gave him a big hug before giving Dean's hand over to Cas, who smiled at Dean as Dean walked up the few steps there were.

Castiel looked just as nervous, just as Dean had thought. At least they were together and that's what mattered.


Dean and Cas looked so nervous and Gabriel chuckled to himself. But he could tell that they were both very excited as well.

Gabriel pulled at his suit, it was immensely uncomfortable. Why did he agree to wear this damn thing?

Sam must have seen Gabriel fidgeting from the other side of the alter because he gave him a hard stare that said, 'knock it off.'

Gabriel stood still and watched Dean and Cas as the preacher said the vows. After death do us part, bla bla bla.

Gabriel looked out over his side of the family that Cas had invited. A few aunts and uncles and a few cousins such as, Anna, Naiomi, Metatron, and Uriel.

Not Gabe's favorite family, but they were family.

Then Gabe's eyes landed on someone in the back. Balthazar. He hadn't known if he'd come. But there he was, watching Dean and Cas get married.

Castiel, even though their family was massively screwed up, he'd wanted them here. So Gabe had called them and it didn't go so well.


"Come on Michael let me just talk to dad!"

"You and that other fag brother of ours has no right calling him Dad. Did you forget how you left us. How you abandoned us? Just so you two could stay faggots?"

Gabriel would have used some very nasty words and probably would have hung up now, but he had to remind himself that this was for Castiel.

"Listen Michael, put Dad on the phone or so help me.."

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