Chapter 4-We Have A Job To Do

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Dean ran. Ran around his property. It was a few acres so it gave him a lot of space and time to run and think. Think about everything. Like for one, why had his heart done a little flip when Castiel asked if he was alright? And two.. Ok he couldn't think about anything else except that damn new kid.

What was it about him that intrigued Dean so much? he wasn't gay after all so why was he acting so strange around that kid with the extremely blue eyes and the cute hair that stuck up in random places..

Before Dean could think any further on this topic Sam, his brother, came outside and called for Dean. He stopped running when he got to the back door. He was breathing heavily and his shirt clung to him with sweat.

"Just got off the phone with Dad. He gave me the address for this weekend. He suspects that it's a demon but he isn't sure."

Dean nodded catching his breath. "Okay Sammy go pack and we'll leave in an hour or so."

Sam went back inside with Dean following. Except Dean went to the shower while sam went to his room.


"Listen Cassie. We have a job to do. And I know you'd rather just draw in the park, but you know I'll fail without you."

Gabriel gave Cas his best puppy dog expression with his bottom lip sticking out. Cas rolled his eyes.

"You go on plenty of hunts without me and don't fail."
"I know but that's because I promised you I'd only take you away from home every other weekend. But it is easier with you around and.. it gets lonely."

Gabriel pouted some more and stuck a lollipop in his mouth. Cas sighed and stood up from his desk chair where he'd been drawing.. Dean, but that's because Cas was just trying to make sure he got all the features down correctly. Dean was a pretty hard person to draw. And that was saying a lot for Castiel.

"Fine Gabe. I'll go. Where is it?"
He asked as he began to pack a duffel bag for the road.
Gabriel smiled.
"Chicago, Illinois." he mumbled around his lollipop.


Dean looked past Sam and out the window at the creepy ass house that was the destination of the address that their dad had given them.

"It's creepy enough. But does it really look like a demon is in there?"

Sam looked over at the house.

"Actually no. But when is dad ever wrong?"

Dean shrugged. He couldn't argue with that. Their dad was never wrong with these things.

"Okay well let's go interview some people in town. See what we can find out."

Sam nodded in agreement as Dean drove towards town.


Castiel sighed as he listened to Gabriel's god awful music. It was pop and it was playing extremely loud.

"Could you turn that down?" He asked and Gabriel smiled around his umpteenth lollipop that day.

"Come on Cassie lighten up! have some fun." he said and Cas rolled his eyes looking out the passenger window of the car.

Gabriel sighed and turned the music down. "You're no fun." he pouted. Cas smiled a little to himself. Gabriel was his brother and he loved him to bits. But he also liked annoying him.

Of course that meant that Gabriel liked annoying him and he was very good at it. At times Gabriel would play tricks on Castiel and Cas had no idea how he did it. Just like, poof! gotcha!

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