Chapter 18- Bucket List

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The plane ride was kind of long, from Kansas to California. So Castiel had decided to sleep.

The chairs weren't very comfortable, but he was tired. Dean wrapped an arm around him and Cas leaned his head against the other's chest.

He listened to Dean's heartbeat and the slow rise and fall of his chest. They sat like that for a while, but Cas could tell Dean was getting annoyed. Cas had the window seat and Dean the middle seat, while some kid who was about eight had the aisle seat.

His parents were sitting behind the kid, but what Dean was annoyed about was the kid kept talking and talking and he would poke Dean. Cas kind of chuckled to himself as Dean sighed, turning more towards Castiel trying to ignore the kid.

"I'm gonna miss her."

Dean sad sadly and Cas kind of got jealous. Her? Who was /her/? Was Castiel right? Did Dean really not love him, he had never said it before. But no if Dean didn't love Cas why would he pick everything up and leave on some ridiculous quest around the world with him. No Dean loved Castiel. But stupid emotions, he still felt a little jealous.


Castiel asked in his confused voice, his head tilting in Cas' signature way.

"My car! I'm gonna miss her. If Sammy puts one scratch on her I'm gonna kill him."

Castiel chuckled. He should have known Dean was talking about his beloved '67 Chevy Impala.

Of course Cas had nothing to worry about. Except maybe that Dean would end up punching an eight year old any second.

"Do you want to switch seats Dean?"

"Oh god yes."

He whispered and Castiel couldn't help but to smile in amusement. Dean stood up and Cas slid over to the middle seat so Dean could sit in the window seat.

"Thanks Cas."

"No problem."

Castiel sighed. There was no way he would be able to sleep. Not now. So Castiel decided to take out his sketchbook and a pencil. He put the food tray for his seat down and started drawing.

Damn it made Cas happy after all these weeks to be able to draw again. Of course he went right back to drawing Dean. Except this time in his drawing it was mostly the back of Dean as he looked out the plane window.

"Hey that's really good. Do you draw a lot? Are you famous? Are you going to be famous? Is it as easy as it looks? What else can you draw? My uncle was an artist. He drew for children's books, but than he died of an overdose. Drugs are bad huh? Do you do drugs? Do any of your family do drugs? One time I heard if you put pop rocks in coke you could die. I don't know if that's true I've never tried it. Would that be considered a drug?"

Cas tried to ignore the constant rambling of the kid and understood why his parents put him up here instead of their other kid.

He turned to the kid.

"I can't answer all those questions at once. I can't even remember them all. Are you bored or something?"

The kid shrugged and nodded. He opened his mouth to say something and Cas cut him off.

"How about if I buy you a movie? Would you be quiet?"

The kid smiled and nodded quickly. Castiel sighed and asked the flight attendant to set up a movie for the kid which she did after Cas handed her the credit card.


Dean turned around confused when he didn't hear the kid talking anymore. Castiel was drawing and he raised his eyebrows at Cas.

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