Chapter 31-The End

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A few seconds? But that didn't make any sense.

Castiel turned around when he heard a groan.

A tuft of brown hair and arms of tattoos sat up behind one of that counters and looked around.

Castiel smiled brightly and ran over to Dean. He didn't care that he was still sitting on the ground he hugged him tightly and Dean laughed.

"Cas! Cas! Cas."

Dean hugged him back and his eyes watered up.

He gasped and pulled away.

"Cas my hands!"

Castiel pulled away and looked at Dean with concern.

"What is it?"

"I'm young again!"

Castiel laughed and kissed Dean. Dean closed his eyes and melted into Cas.

Castiel moved onto Dean's lap and tangled his fingers in Dean's hair.

He missed this. He missed this so much, and he could only imagine how Dean felt.

Dean ran his tongue along Cas' bottom lip and Castiel happily granted him entrance. Their tongues danced together and Dean moaned.


Sam sat with Gabriel on the couch.

"Want one?"

Gabriel asks and Sam looks over to see him holding out a red lollipop, one already in his mouth.

Sam chuckled and nodded unwrapping the sweet treat and putting it in his mouth.

Even after all these years the two still loved sharing them together.

Jessica came in walking past them, heading towards the door.

"Hey where are you going?"

Gabriel called after Jess and she turned around slowly.

"I'm going out with Jack."

"Jack? As a friend?"

Jessica shakes her head.

"No. He's taking me out on a date."

Gabriel raises an eyebrow and looks at Sam.

"I thought we told you.."

Sam starts, but Jessica cuts him off.

"I don't care what you told me."

"Excuse me? What did you just say?"

Gabriel asks sitting up.

"Don't talk to us like that. We're your parents."

"I didn't..I didn't mean it like that.."

"Then what did you mean?"

Sam asks.

"Uncle Dean said.."

She took a deep breath and Sam looked at Gabriel.

"..He said that you should give me and Jack a chance like he gave you guys a chance. I don't know what that means but.."

Sam made a choking noise, bringing his hand to his mouth. Gabriel rubbed his arm.

"When we were young. Dean found out that Sam was dating me in secret. He almost beat me up, but then I talked him out of it and he decided to give us a chance.."

Gabriel said and Sam smiled a little bringing his hand down.

"And now we're married and have a wonderful daughter."

Sam added. Smiling. Jessica smiled and awwd.

"So I can go?"

She asked quietly and both Gabriel and Sam smiled.

"Get out of here!"

Gabriel teased motioning for her to go and she smiled brightly.

"Love you Dad! Papa! See you later!"

She left in a hurry and Gabriel rolled his eyes.

"Dean had a point."

"Yeah I guess he did."

Sam said and kissed Gabe lightly before turning back to the movie they were watching.

Gabriel smiled snuggling into Sam the lollipop still in his mouth.


Dean pulled away from Cas and looked into his beautiful blue eyes.


Blue eyes. Blue.. Eyes.. Blue eyes!


Castiel looked startled and he jumped a little in Dean's arms.


Dean stood up taking Cas' hands in his own.

"Baby I can see color again!"

Cas smiled softly at Dean and ran a hand down his cheek.

"That's amazing."

"No it's the best! I can see the color of your eyes again. That's the only real reason I was ever upset about losing the color in the first place."

Castiel's eyes water out of happiness and Dean kisses him again. He couldn't stop. He had his Castiel back and it was the best thing to ever happen to him.

"Hey Dean. I think there's one more thing I need to show you."

Dean tilts his head slightly and Cas pulls him out the door of their apartment and there in front is his impala.

Dean smiles brightly and Cas tilts his head.

"I thought you'd me more excited."

"No I am! I love my car.."


"But it fails to come close to you. I'm way more excited to have you with me."

Dean hugs Cas and they stand there hugging each other, every once in a while Dean kissing the top of Cas' head softly.

This was the start of their forever and Dean couldn't be any happier. And when it was time for Sam and Gabriel and Jess to come, they could stay here with them.

They'd expand the apartment and maybe Jess would have a husband of her own, maybe it would end up being Jack. Who knows. And maybe she'd have kids of her own.

Dean looked at Cas and Cas looked at Dean. They didn't need to say anything, because they couldn't say everything that was going through their minds. But they knew. They knew what the other was thinking.



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