Chapter 12-Coughing Up Blood

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Castiel gaped at Gabriel disbelieving and could feel the anger bubble inside him.

"You can have this back in a few days."

"Gabe what the hell?!"

"You deliberately didn't tell me that you were going to a party. Not that I would have cared that much. But I was worried! You could have driven off a cliff for all I knew! All you had to do was tell me. It's three in the morning! You said you were only going to be gone a few hours."

"Because I thought I would be! I didn't want to stay long at the party! But I told you what happened, Dean got seriously injured and I had to bring him to the hospital."

"I know and I'm really sorry about that. But all you had to do was at least send me a quick text or call me. So you'll get your phone back on Monday."

Castiel sighed looking at his phone that was clutched in Gabriel's hand. Normally he wouldn't care but..

The screen lit up and he could see that there was a text from Dean. He immediately felt bad. He had rushed out of there after he had asked him out. (Which he was ecstatic about no matter when it happened). Then Dean said he would text Cas. (Which made him just as happy.) but now he was standing Dean up by not even answering one text.

He knew it was probably stupid but he couldn't help it. He wanted to text Dean back. Let him know that he was worth Castiel's time. But Gabriel held it in his hand and there wasn't anything he could do about it.

"Please Gabe. I'm sorry. Just.. Let me have my phone."

"Sorry kiddo but I have to be responsible and so do you. Now go to bed."

Gabriel sighed looking at the phone when it vibrated once again in his hand. He looked up at Cas and raised an eyebrow.


"Shut up."

Castiel mumbled and looked at his shuffling feet. Gabriel smirked a little and handed Cas his phone.

"I understand. Now go to bed before I change my mind."

Castiel held the phone as he looked at Gabe with wide surprised eyes. He nodded before scurrying off to his room quickly.




Three texts from Dean. He felt so happy you could have blown up the room around Castiel and he wouldn't have noticed.


'Did you get home alright?'

'I didn't scare you off did I?'

Castiel re read those three text messages over and over before he replied.

'Hey yeah sorry my brother just had to talk to me for a while.'

Castiel hit send and regretted it as soon as he did. Like anyone who always regrets when they send a text to the person they like. Always feeling like it wasn't enough or not the right thing to say. He quickly typed up another message.

'No you didn't scare me at all. Gabriel was getting mad.'

'Oh I'm sorry.'

Cas felt himself smile a little. Dean actually was texting him back. He shouldn't be this dramatic but Castiel never really had any friends before and the only one he ever texted before was Gabriel.


Gabriel didn't want to take Castiel's phone but he was trying to be a better brother. Father said when Cas and him left that Gabe wouldn't be able to take care of the kid. That he would be a bad father image. That he wouldn't be responsible.

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