Chapter 9-The Dreaded Party

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'Yeah but don't you like him?'

Cas froze at the text message he was reading in front of him. Tyler had been texting him for a while now. Ever since he went home early from school. Seems Tyler noticed he was gone.

But the question caught him off guard. He didn't know what to respond. He wasn't sure if he liked Dean anymore now. Ever since Cas had concluded that Dean was sorry for kissing him Cas was heartbroken and he had decided that he needed to let Dean go.

'I'm not sure. Maybe.'

He texted back cause honestly he didn't know.

'Well I know you do. I can tell by the way your eyes light up when you talk to him.'


'Well either way you should still come. It'll be fun.'

'I don't really like parties.'

'You promised you'd come to the next party I had.'

'No I didn't.'

'Yeah you did.'


'Please! just come to this one and I'll never ask you again unless you like it.'

Cas thought for a bit deciding if he should go or not.


'Yay! See you there.'

'Yeah bye.'

Castiel sighed as he got up to change out of his pajamas. He had put his pj's on as soon as he got home cause he just wanted to be comfortable. But now that he was going to a party he supposed he would have to change.

He changed into a grey button down shirt and black dress pants and slipped his trench coat over it. He really didn't care. These were his comfort clothes and since he was already going to something he didn't want to go to. Why make it worse by wearing something he didn't want to wear?

"Gabe can I borrow the car?!"

He called down the stairs as he went into the bathroom to brush his teeth.


He heard Gabe call back.

"I'm going out!"

Cas yelled as he squirted minty toothpaste onto his toothbrush.

"Whatever! keys are on the counter!"

"Thanks Gabe!"

Cas began brushing his teeth and when he was done he skipped down the stairs a little awkwardly and grabbed the keys, slipped his shoes on, and headed out the door.


The house was already pumping with music sending vibrations through out the whole structure and up through Dean's feet making his spine tingle.

Dean had gotten to Tyler's house early so that he could help him set up. Usually he didn't do that but he was at home all alone doing literally nothing so when Tyler asked Dean thought why the hell not?

People were starting to file in and the party was starting to go into full swing only ten minutes into it. Once Tyler brought the booze out Dean was quite happy and took a plastic cup with whatever the hell it was and started drinking it.

"Hey Dean! Come play with us!"

Someone called. He didn't know who it was but they knew him obviously. Well who didn't know Dean Winchester?

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