Chapter 26-Only The Good Die Young

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Well this sucks.

Dean hasn't been sick in like four years. Now all of a sudden, bam! he has a cold.

Dean takes a tissue and sneezes into it, for what seems like the millionth time. He throws it on the ground, along with like forty others.

Dean's half sitting, half lying on the couch with the television on low. He woke up in the middle of the night coughing and sneezing, and just feeling like shit. He didn't want to wake Cas up so he moved out to the living room.

It was about three in the morning and Dean knew he wasn't going to get any more sleep.

He had a box of tissues and a huge bowl sitting beside him. He felt like he was going to throw up, but every time he thought he was going to he'd end up just dry heaving over the bowl. That was worse than actually throwing up.

Damn sneezing, damn clogged sinuses, damn headaches, and horrible stomach aches, damn throwing up and dry heaving, damn all of it to hell.

He already took two aspirin, but of course it hadn't done anything. Dean was literally swaying a little as he sat up with the bowl on his lap.

He was so tired, but he couldn't sleep. His eyes were closed and he was falling asleep while sitting up. But then the dry heaving woke him up again. He couldn't even sleep for five seconds.


Cas usually didn't just wake up in the middle of the night for nothing. So he was confused when around four in the morning his body woke itself up.

He rolled over to snuggle into Dean, only he wasn't there. Cas sat up and looked around the room. The bathroom light wasn't on so he wasn't in there.

In the whole time that Castiel had been with Dean, which had been around three years, he'd never woken up without him there. So he knew that something was wrong.

Cas slipped on a T-Shirt and padded in his bare feet and sweatpants out of the room. He saw that the tv was on so he went into the living room and saw Dean on the couch.

He went over and sat beside him. Dean looked up at Cas and his eyes were swollen with being tired and sickness.

"Did I wake you up?"

He asked quietly and Cas suspected that he couldn't speak above a whisper. He shook his head and rested his hand on Dean's thigh.

"No Dean you didn't."

Dean nodded and then his stomach tightened and he started dry heaving into a bowl.

"Oh baby.."

Cas rubbed Dean's back soothingly. Dean stopped and groaned leaning back into the couch slowly. Castiel got up and went into the kitchen. He came back and handed Dean a box of crackers.

"Cas I can't eat."

"You need to."

Castiel laid beside Dean on the couch and wrapped his arms around his sick husband.

"Cas.. You're going to get.. Sick.."

Dean whispered with his eyes closed and turned his head away from Cas.

Castiel smiled a little amused. He tilted Dean's chin down and kissed him softly. Dean's eyes opened out of surprise and Castiel pulled away since Dean was already having trouble breathing.

"I don't care."

He whispered back at Dean, who then smiled at him before going into a coughing fit.

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