Chapter 5-Now About Helping Me

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Well Cas had no time to think about all this. But his mind tried to think of everything. What it meant that Dean was there as well. Meeting Sam. Gabe meeting his crush. The ghost that was about to kill them all. Yep. His head was spinning.

It was spinning a little too much that when Gabe tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention cas fell over onto the floor as the room went black.


"Holy shit! Is he okay?"

Dean asked looking at Cas as his brother Gabriel knelt beside him.

Gabe looked up. "He's out cold. Must have fainted."

Sam had already started to make a circle of salt around all of them as Dean held his shotgun ready.

"Okay. So he'll be fine." Dean mumbled looking around for the ghost.

Gabriel nodded fixing cas so he was laying on his back. "Yeah if we make it out of here alive."

Well isn't this guy a ray of sunshine.

A man appeared outside the ring of salt with slashes across his chest and his clothes were torn. He moaned something incoherently while reaching a hand towards Dean.

Dean shot a round of rock salt into the bitch and he vanished in a puff of smoke.

"Sam where's he buried?"

"He was cremated." sam states his gun still on the floor but he quickly picks it up.

"Well that's great." Gabe mutters. He stands up leaving cas on the ground.

"I'll go look for the part of him and burn it." He says walking out of the circle with an iron bar in hand.


Cas groans sitting up and rubbing his head. What happened? he looked around and saw that he was in a ring of salt with Dean and Sam. Where was Gabriel?!

He started to panic but when he tried to stand up he felt dizzy so he just sat there looking at Dean. He was really good looking..

What was he doing they were about to die! get a hold of yourself cas.

Dean turned back and looked at him. "Are you okay cas?"

Cas nodded. Smooth. The second day cas sees Dean and he faints. Way to impress him cas. Way to go. Just friggen great.

"Good." Dean nodded turning back around.

Cas heard something behind him and he turned to see the ghost blowing at the salt breaking the circle. It stood up and walked inside grabbing Sam from behind. Sam struggled and right as Dean was turning around cas shot the ghost making it disappear.

Dean stared for a few seconds before looking over at cas sighing. "Thank you."

Cas didn't have time to reply because Gabriel came walking into the room. Except his eyes were pure black.

Cas felt his breath hitch and he wanted to cry and punch the wall at the same time.



Shit. What was he suppose to do? kill the demon? But it was in cas' brother. So Dean just stood there pointing his shotgun at it. A ghost and a demon in one house?

"Sorry I'm not Gabriel. Just using his meat suit. Which is rather short if I do say so myself."

Dean stayed silent as Cas growled.

"What do you want? Leave Gabe out of this."

The demon smirked using Gabriel's face.

"I want my soul that I was suppose to collect five years ago. But no. How does a spirit even get that strong to oppose hellhounds?!"

The demon rolled it's eyes. If that was possible. How was that possible since they were all black? Dean didn't know and he didn't care.

"Well we can help you with that.."

Sam said hesitantly and the demon turned to him.


"Well you should leave Gabe alone and then it would be easier to help."

The demon shrugged and black smoke poured out of Gabriel's mouth leaving him to collapse on the floor. The black smoke flew into Cas' mouth.

Cas opened his eyes and that were pure black.


Dean yelled and he didn't know why he did.

"Now about helping me.."

The demon said with cas' voice and Dean felt like crying. But he wasn't exactly sure why.

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