Chapter 30-It'll be okay

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"If you want to be able to stay here in heaven I'm going to have to wipe your memories away from when you were an angel. Forever. You will be fully human and you won't ever be able to remember those memories ever again no matter what."

Castiel sighs. Oh gosh he'd thought the condition would be so much worse. He didn't mind being fully human. He never wanted to become an angel again in the first place.

"Go ahead do it."

God raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure? There are plenty more humans that you won't have to give up your memories for."

Castiel nodded.

"Of course I'm sure!"

"Good. I was just making sure.."

God walked up to Castiel and placed his hand over Cas' forehead.

"By the way this might hurt.. A lot."

A white light emitted from the palm of God's hand and Castiel could feel the light.

As weird as that sounded, Castiel could actually feel the light. It felt like a liquid was being injected into his brain and was swimming through it slowly. Although the liquid was thick and as hot as fire.

When the liquid reached the very back of his brain it had completely engulfed every single crevice and corner of Cas' brain. And that's when Castiel passed out and everything went black.


Gabriel hugged Sam and held him to his chest as Sam cried.

He knew that this day would come and he had been prepared for it for some time now. But it still hurt. Hurt like hell.

Sam's tears fell onto Gabriel's shirt as he buried his face in his husband's chest. Even Gabriel shed a few tears that lightly fell into Sam's hair.

"How are we going to tell Jess?"

Sam chokes out and Gabriel runs his hand through Sam's hair.

Jessica was still at school. Their daughter now fifteen years old and a freshmen in high school, would be so upset when she found out.

"We'll tell her together. They said two more days didn't they? We can tell Jessica tonight and take her over there tomorrow. How about that?"

Sam nods and leans up kissing Gabe softly and sweet. He could taste the tears on Gabe's lips but he didn't care. He needed the comfort of his husband right now. He always did, but right now more than ever.


Castiel woke up in his apartment. Wait.. That wasn't right. Hadn't he just died?

How could he be here?

Castiel distinctly remembered dying in Dean's arms. Okay maybe not the actual dying part, but the last words, the last feelings, his last thoughts that he remembered.

He sat up on the wood floor of his studio and looked up at a man in white clothes.

"Um.. Who are you?"

"I'm God. Jesus. The holy Spirit. Jehovah. Messiah. Whatever you prefer."

The man or so apparently God smiled brightly at him. Castiel stood up brushing himself off.

"You're in heaven Castiel."

"How do you know my name? And actually I'm in New York in my studio."

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