Chapter 24- Reality hits

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It had been a few weeks since the whole incident and everything was just going uphill from there.

First Dean and Cas called with news of being engaged which Sam and Gabriel definitely did not squeal like over animated teenage girls..

Then Sam had gotten kicked out of his dorm room..


Sam called Gabe as he stood outside his dorm room with his stuff all packed. Gabriel answered almost immediately.

"Yeah Sammy? What's up?"

"Hey Gabe I was wondering... Could I move in with you?"

Gabriel laughed a little.

"This is a joke right? What kind of question is that? Of course you can!"

"Thanks Gabe."

"But why the sudden change in heart kiddo?"

"Well one, I miss you like crazy. And two.. They kicked me out. Apparently I was too loud last night and that is not allowed in the dorm rooms."

Gabriel burst out laughing and Sam could hear him spit whatever he was drinking out. Sam chuckled along, not as amused.

"It's not funny.."

He whined.

"Oh it sooo is."

"Whatever. Come pick me up?"

"Sure thing kiddo. Be there in five."


And so Sam moved in with Gabriel. And then to top it all off, Sam got his first semester grades back yesterday and he had all A's.

Damn did he feel good. Like he was on cloud nine. Everything was going great! It had been past two years and Cas was still alive. And in a few weeks they would be having their wedding.

Sam just couldn't wait. He was so happy for Dean, he deserved someone as great as Cas. And dammit if Cas was going to go, then at least they'd be married.

Sam still couldn't believe that Cas was going to be gone. And he wouldn't really believe it until he actually was gone. But for the mean time, they didn't talk about it. Well him and Gabe.

Sam could tell that Gabriel had a hard time with this. He wanted to spend as much time with Cas before he was gone, but on the other hand Gabriel wanted him to be happy so he was really torn up about it.

And Gabriel had actually been acting a lot sadder lately. Sam didn't like seeing him like this and he couldn't bare it. He tried talking to him, but Gabriel wouldn't talk about it.

Gabe was sitting on the couch staring blankly at the television, which he did a lot, and Sam sat beside him. Gabe didn't look at Sam and Sam sighed.

He wanted to see the twinkle in his unusual golden eyes.

"Hey Gabe. Mind if I have a lollipop?"

Sam asked and Gabe looked over at him like he was just now realizing he was there.

"Of course Sammy!"

He smiled and made a fist. He opened his hand to reveal two red lollipops and Sam smiled taking one and popping it into his mouth as Gabe did the same with the other.

"Gabe are you okay? You've been acting a little strange?"

Gabriel nodded and shrugged.

"I'm fine Ca- Sam. I just love watching tv."

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