A Rusty Man Changed A Virgin With A Pair of Pig's Feet

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"How is the preparation for Sangjit ceremony next week?" asked kungkung to me

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"How is the preparation for Sangjit ceremony next week?" asked kungkung to me.

"Mmm... It's already finished Kung. I have prepared it well. I have bought it all. Maybe we can decorate it tomorrow" I said.

Kungkung - an old man who cares to me. He loved me so much since my parents died three years ago.

"Is your Cheongsam fit in you? Have you tried it ?"

"Of course Kung, I have tried my Cheongsam. And it's very beautiful".

"And how about fruits and other things for Sangjit ? Is it fix in amount and size?"

"I think so..."

"Don't ignore our ancestor tradition Liong Fuk. It's not good. Do it well" he said while pointed his little finger in front of my face. Then smiled.

"Yes kung. I understand" I said shortly.

"Let me see the Cheongsam for the woman" asked Niu Nai to Liong Fuk. She was Liong Fuk's grandmother. She was still beautiful at her age. 85 years old. Then she checked it carefully.

"By the way, who is your girlfriend's name ?" asked kungkung.

Liong Fuk told them about her beloved girlfriend. Her personality, family, job and her house of course. He talked so much about her.

"Hmmm... A nice person" said kungkung.

The next morning...

"At last, our duty to take care of him finish" said Niu Nai to Liong Nan in a sunny morning.

"Yes, I feel happy to hear it. I am happy that Liong Fuk get married soon. But...."

Suddenly Liong Nan stopped speaking.

"But why? Any problem with it ?" asked Niu Nai.

"Yes, as our tradition, we must know her first. We must know who our new family member is "

"Oh I see. Then do it. Find some information about her. I want my beloved grandson get the best one" said Niu Nai.

"OK... I'll do it"

For some days, Liong Nan tried to find some informations about Xiu Ying. He came to her house. Asked to the Xiu Ying's neighbour. Asked to people around her house. Xiu ying didn't know about this.

"What ? Xiu Ying is Xiu Yao's grand daughter ?" Liong Nan replied.

"Yes Sir, don't you know Xiu Yao Sir ? I'm not sure you don't know him. Because he is very popular in Bandung. He is a successful businessman " said the man to Liong Nan.

"OK... Thank you very much for your information. I appreciate it"

After that long conversation with Xiu Ying's neighbour. Liong Nan's memory flew away along his way home. His memories brought him to his past. It was in 1966.

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