Protected By A Vampire Chapter 1

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Protected By A Vampire

I always thought that I'd have a normal life. Not once did it cross my mind that I'd have to leave the ones I loved so I could be protected by a vampire. I had a normal life for a while and I thought that it would stay the same but all my hopes shattered as I found out that my own birth father was after me and he'd stop at nothing to get me.

My name is Desiree Johnson, I'm 17 years old, and this is my story of how I became protected by a vampire.


Chapter 1

I was sitting outside on my porch relaxing on the floor when all of a sudden my mother busted out the door and said "Desiree, get you clothes packed and anything else you think you may need. We have to get out of here and fast."

I sighed and got up off the ground and ran upstairs to pack my clothes and a picture of my best friend Jessie. We've been friends since we were three years old, but she died when I was 15. I really missed her because she was more like my sister than anything.

I sighed and grabbed my bag before heading downstairs to find my mom. She was on the phone talking to god knows who and I saw that she was crying.

I waited for her to finish up but she was talking her sweet time so I put my stuff in her car and sat on the hood, waiting for her to come out of the house.

I sighed and relaxed but when I heard movement, my body froze and I listened hard without moving anything.

I slowly opened my eyes and was looking into the eyes of a completely different person.

His eyes were glowing red and before I was about to scream he put his hand over my mouth and threw me to the ground.

He straddled me and he began growling

Wait growling?

I was full of confusion and shock, but mainly confusion.

I tried to shove him off but he wouldn't budge. I struggled for a few minutes before realizing that struggling wouldn't help get him off of me.

I stopped moving and my body went limp as I waited to see what he'd do. Just as he leaned down to my neck, my mother threw something at him which caused him to jump off of me and he began groaning and rubbing the side of his head.

My mother ran over to me and helped me up before asking "Desiree are you ok? Did he bite you or anything?"

I shook my head and said "Mom I'm fine but what do you mean 'Did he bite you?'

She sighed and said "That would happen to be a vampire. Do you see how his eyes glow red?"

I looked back and saw the vampire watching me intently. I looked away immediately and said "Yea I do."

She nodded and said "Whenever a vampire's eyes glow red, it means they're hunting and they would kill anyone who gets in their way until the find what they're hunting for. But in his case, he's working for your father so that's why he was about to bite you so he could knock you out and take you to your father."

I looked at her confused but looked back at the vampire who stood in front of me and said "Did my father send you to find me?"

He chuckled and said "I don't have to answer you girl. I'm only doing a job that I was told to do."

Fury built up in me as I stepped closer to the vampire, not caring what he was capable of.

I stood right up to him, starring him down in is blood red eyes and asked again.

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