Protected By A Vampire Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Ian's pov

I left Desiree alone last night so she could get some rest because she had such a long day and night last night.

She meant the world to me and just thinking about how close we were to her father made my stomach flip. I shuddered at the thought and decided to go check on her.

I walked up the stairs and into her room and saw that she was laying with her back facing me. I ached to just go and lay beside her and stay next to her forever.

I knew the rules though 'Vampire's are not allowed to fall for the human that they're protecting.'

It was painful knowing that I could never be with Desiree, no matter how much I wanted to be with her, I knew I couldn't. So I knew that there was only one thing I could do knowing that it would hurt both of us.

I was going to have to treat her bad but still be there and protect her.

Sighing I walked away from her door and down the stairs, back to the kitchen.

Minutes later Desiree came down and she looked tired but other than that she looked better than she did yesterday.

She saw me in the kitchen and said "Good morning Ian and how was your night?"

I looked up at her and said the only thing that I could think of "Screw you."

Her eyes went wide with disbelief as she said "W-what did you say?"

I glared at her and said "You heard me. I can't stand the fact that I have to protect a rich bitch like you. So don't even think that I like you."

She didn't flinch but I saw hurt and confusion in her eyes as she said "What the hell is wrong with you? One minute your nice to me the next minute you're acting like an asshole."

I laughed and said "That's called acting sweetheart. You should know about that. Why would anyone want to be around someone who acts all bitchy all the time."

I saw that what I just said really got to her and without saying anything else she walked out of the room and back upstairs.

I sat there and felt tears running down my eyes as I realized how cruel I sounded. I wanted more than anything to be with her but I knew that it was against the code to date the human that you were suppose to protect so I did the only thing I could do and hurt her with words so that I could make her think that I didn't like her at all.

Sighing I got up and went into my room, not bothering to do anything today.

Desiree's pov

I sat in my room and on my bed and let the tears fall. I thought he really liked me but he was only playing me. Wanting me to believe that he really liked me but in the end he's always hated me. I cried for a long time until I heard a soft knock on the door.

I opened it and saw a girl about my age standing there with something in her hands.

I gave her a small smile and asked "May I help you?"

She rolled her eyes and said "Oh my god cut the crap and shut the hell up."

I flinched but said nothing wanting her to leave me alone.

She narrowed her eyes and said "Ugh is Ian here?"

I sighed and said "Last time I seen him he was in the kitchen."

She rolled her eyes and said "Whatever what is a slut like you doing here anyway? Are you here for money or what?"

I bit my bottom lip hard forcing my tears to stay down and I tried to answer her slowly. "No I'm here visiting. Ian is a friend of my family and my mom sent me to spend a couple weeks with him."

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