Protected By A Vampire Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Ian's pov

Desiree was really starting to worry me. This was the second time that she passed out and it's really concerning me.

I laid her back on the bed before turning back to Adam.

"What the hell are you doing here Adam?"

He looked at me and said "I thought I'd come an warn you and the girl that her father is on his way right now and he asked me to make sure you guys didn't get away but instead of listening to him I want to help you guys get out of here."

I sighed and said "Why do you care what happens to us?"

He looked over at Desiree and then back at me before saying "Because she doesn't deserve the life he has in store for her. I don't know here well but from what I can tell she's very sweet and she doesn't deserve the life he's wanting to give her."

I thought for a moment and said "Ok but just because you're helping us doesn't mean I have to trust you. Got it?"

He nodded and said "You may want to wake her up cuz we need to leave soon."

I sighed and turned back to Desiree so I could wake her up.

Adam stepped outside to look around before turning back and saying "Ok we need to leave and fast."

I nodded and turned to wake Desiree up but she was already up and she was looking right at me.

Desiree's pov

I heard Ian and Adam talking while I had passed out but I didn't want them to know I was awake so I laid there listening to what they were saying.

I didn't hear much because the next thing I knew Adam had stepped outside and Ian was beside my bed looking back at Adam.

I opened my eyes and watched Ian while he nodded to Adam and turned back to me, finding out I was already awake.

He seamed shocked at first but then he said "Are you ok?"

I nodded and said "Yea I'm fine. I just want to know what's going on."

He sighed and said "We've got to get out of here because your father is coming here now to get you."

I felt like the breath was knocked out of me. I felt the blood drain from my face and I knew that my face was pale white.

Ian sat down beside me and said "Desiree it's ok I'm here to protect you and I won't let your father lay a hand on you. I promise."

I looked up at him and did the only thing I could bear to do at the moment.

I scooted closer to him and gave him a long hug.

He rubbed my back and said "It's ok he won't lay a hand on you while I'm still around."

I sighed and said "Thank you."

I pulled back and smiled at him before saying "So where are we going?"

He took my hand and led me to the door before saying "I think we'll go to my house before we decide on where to go. Is that ok with you?"

I nodded and said "Yea it's ok with me."

Adam came up to us and said "Ok he's only 2 miles away so you need to get out of here now. Ian punch me in the face so it looks like I got knocked out ok?"

Ian eyed him for a moment before asking "Are you sure?"

He nodded and said "Yes this is the only way I won't get killed or anything."

Ian nodded and turned to me and said "You may want to close your eyes for this."

I nodded and shut my eyes tightly waiting to see what Ian would do to Adam.

I heard a crunching sound and then a groan of pain and then a drop to the ground.

I didn't dare open my eyes but then I felt an arm wrap around me and then Ian spoke.

"Ok Desiree it's over. We need to go now."

I nodded and followed him to a sleek black car, not daring to look back. I got in and waited for him to get in the driver side.

When he got it, we both put our seat belts on and he turned his car on before beginning to head out of the drive way and onto the road.

As we were leaving, I saw a midnight blue car turn in and a guy with sun glasses was in it.

I realized that it was my father and at first I thought he'd notice me but he kept his eyes forward.

We drove for hours and as I was about to fall asleep, Ian spoke up.

"Do you want to talk to your mom or would you rather wait?"

I sighed and said "Well might as well. But I doubt she'll answer."

He handed me his phone and dialed my mother's number.









'Hey this is Mary sorry I couldn't come to the phone right now but please leave you name and number and I'll call you back as soon as I can.'

I sighed and threw the phone on the dash before looking out the window.

Ian cleared his throat and asked "So I guess she didn't pick up hu?"

I snorted and said "No she didn't and I knew she wouldn't."

He sighed and reached for my hand and said "I'm sure she'll call you back. But for now, welcome to your new home."

In front of me was the biggest house I had ever seen. My mouth was hanging open as I stared at the mansion in front of me.

I looked over at Ian an asked "This is your house? It's freaking huge!"

He chuckled and said "Yea I know but at least it makes the room a lot bigger."

As soon as he stopped the car I got out and waited for him to stand beside me. He nodded towards the house and I followed him up the steps and up to the door.

He unlocked the door and let me in first before him and I stopped dead in my tracks.

The outside may have been huge, but the inside was even bigger!

Ian chuckled and said "Are you going to stand in front of the door all night or are you going to let me in."

I shook my head and said "Oh sorry but this place is so amazing!"

He laughed and said "Well it's your home now to so go enjoy yourself. I'll show you to your room first though.

I nodded and said "Thank you Ian."

He took my hand and said "Your welcome Desiree. Oh and welcome to your new home."

I laughed and rolled my eyes as we headed upstairs and said "Jeez thanks Ian. How very thoughtful of you."

He laughed and we came to a stop at a brown door and said "This is your room for now."

I opened the door and walked in. I looked around and saw that the walls were painted a very light blue and there was a wooden canopy bed up against the back wall.

I turned to thank Ian but he was already gone. Sighing I walked over to the bed and laid down.

Before I knew it, I fell into a deep peaceful sleep. Wondering what tomorrow would bring me and if it was anything good.

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