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(AN: if you haven't read the description yet, I highly suggest it before contiuning. If you have, enjoy the story! This will be my interpretation of what happened after the final season of Newscapepro's Fallout 4 roleplay.)

                  (No One's POV)

       Adam sat at the small table in the one roomed 'house' and sighed. He rested his chin against the table, one thing on his mind. He couldn't help it; ever since Cory and Uni left the group to keep adventuring, he felt alone. As if nothing mattered. He wanted the group to be back together. It had been nearly a week since Adam saw Cory, but it may have been longer or shorter. He couldn't tell.
    After about a few seconds of thinking, He heard the wooden door creak open slightly and footsteps walk up behind him. He sat up and looked over his shoulder, to see his close friend, Nick. Nick smiled at Adam, who smiled back weakly and got up.

    "What's wrong Adam? You seem a little bit on the depressed side today..." Nick asked his friend, who only shrugged.
    "Eh, just a lot has been on my mind recently..." He trailed off, his mind going back into his thoughts. After a few seconds, Nick spoke up again.
    "Like what?"
    "Well... it just doesn't feel the same without Cory and Uni here, ya know? It feels.... off.... without them here..."

    Nick thought for a few seconds and then smiled brightly, as if a lightbulb had gone off in his head. Adam looked at him confused, wondering what he must be thinking.
   "I have an idea! What if we leave this Greenplace and go find Cory and Uni? I bet Dawn is feeling the same without them here!"
    Adam's face brightened at the idea and he nodded, smiling. He ran outside to go tell Dawnsworth, the robot that Cory was friends with before the nuclear blast even hit the desolate wastelands.

Two Halfs Make A Whole (A Minecraft Fallout Adam x Cory Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now